Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Say bye to 2008:(

Helo everybody.
I'm so sad right now.
2008 is comin to an end in just hours. And this year is the best year ever.
In 2008, I discovered TWILIGHT. I'd found something else to love other than HSM becoz I needed something to distract me while I was waiting for HSM3. I'd taken obsession to the next level by talking to the book and holding it in my arms where ever I went.
In 2008, I was in 6 PURITY. The best class ever, in my opinion. Each student was special in her own way and made 6P what it is- a fun and funny class. We were each given an animal to be and we stuck with it through the year(I'm a giraffe). But there were "wars" goin on. 2, in fact. I dun wanna mention anything but at that time, no matter which side you were on, you had frens who trust and love you, and you can tell, becoz they're still with you even if you're in different schs.
In 2008, I found a great group of frens-Angeline, Denise, Gloria, Ning Zhen, Shannon and Shuning. They stuck with me even when I was difficult and tolerated all my nonsense. My frenship also grew with Rachel, Jolene, Drama Queen and a lot more ppl. I knew how to tell whether sb was a true fren or not.
In 2008, our teachers were... PSLE was a nickname for doom. But in the midst of not handing up hw and talking in class, we actually learned something and we survived PSLE. Hooray! The teachers was fantastic, especially Mrs Hum and Su Lao Shi,Mrs Lye and Ms Lim, in fact, I think I might miss them. A lot.
In 2008, my mum was more of a B that she ever was. I learned how to block her out and not cry when she slapped me. I learned to keep my face neutral(though she thinks that's my bad temper look) and not seek revenge. She complained more than ever this year and her unreasonableness was excruciatin. But I survived it though.
In 2008, I discovered Club Penguin and bloggin(thx Denise 4 gettin me addicted). Fads come and go but true frenship is always there.
In 2008, I got more involved with fanfiction. I left over 200 reviews this year(yay me). I've also started publishin again(more yays)
In 2008, many disasters occured around the world. Myanmar, Sichuan... a lot of sadness this year but everybody around the world pitched in to help and made it all better. And of course, the China milk incident. We're doubtin China's products...(I still remember Shuning raiding through everybody's pencilcase for China stuff to throw away). We're gonna check the fine prints b4 buyin stuff now.
In 2008, learned to accept reality and rejection. Sometimes when u work hard and dun get the results u wanted, it's v.sad. But I managed to pull through. I also taught myself how to work hard, endure and try my best, (even if that was at the end of the year) and I'm so proud of myself. I actually tried b4 I asked for help and that was reali satisfyin.
In 2008, two of my BFs moved away and left me all alone:( That was sad.
In 2008, I got to go out with my frens for the first time. That was cool. I'll remember goin out with my BFFs always.
In 2008, the class bonded over laughs and tears. Even if were're not all at the same place next year, we're still 6 PURITY and once a 6P girl, always a 6P girl. I'll hv to get used to not havin u all there with me in class next year.(tearin up as I'm typin)
This entry is dedicated to everyone whos made my year the best one ever. Call me crazy, but I'll b celebratin the comin of 2009. The future is scary but it's not written in stone. Everyone has a hand in makin their future a better one and hope 2009 will be filled with joy and laughter for all my readers.
But to my BFFs and classmates, dun 4get me, ok? Dun forget the crazy giraffe orange squashed work and drama queen 2 in 6P'08.
I might be growing older but I'm never growin up.
Peace out ppl! And have a great New Year(Chinese New Year comes earlier this year. Yay! Money!)
P.S I also got to stay overnite in Tokyo Disneyland at the Tokyo Disneyland hotel and I felt like a princess! I loved it. Best hotel ever!


Shuning said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Sim Wee!
I like your post!Yea...6 Purity was realy a fun class.We did well though the teachers didnt expect us to.and though we were like "playing our way through" (according to the teachers)

Anonymous said...

Hey Sim wee!
i like your post!
Yea... 6 purity was really a fun class.We did well for psle even though the teachers expected us to do worse and though we were like playing out way through the year(according to the tachers) :) i will miss you