Thursday, December 18, 2008

*sigh*...Reality is harsh

(Very dejectedly)Hi ppl...*sigh*Well,I got back my sec sch results...4 those of u who dun noe(I doubt so)I've been posted 2 St Nicks...Y so sad,u ask.Becoz everyone is goin seperate ways...Poh Poh is goin 2 Duman(High,not Sec),Denise and Shu're goin 2 Nanyang,NZ is goin 2 Nan Chiao(sp?) and Shannon is goin 2 NJC...only Angie(yay!)is stayin with me in St Nicks.Not to mention Drama Queen,Fats,Nutsy,Jobo and Carolyn.But most probably we won't be in the same class...and sum ppl I'm...not OK with might be in the same class as me(no,not u!).SAD.I noe it,I just noe it!We'll reassure each other that we'll be best frens 4ever and by the end of next year,they'll b like "WHO r U?"And by mid-2010,it'll be like best frens never!
But next year,I'm probably gonna re-invent my personality.I mean,if I can sit quietly at the back of my art class 4 more than half a year,than I can b someone else.(OK,by now,u would've realised that my blog looks different...well it is!The blog skin anyways,the rest of the blog is still 100% ME!A GREAT BIG THANKS TO DENISE WHO HELPED ME WITH MY TECH DIFFICULTIES.AND TO GLORIA 2 FOR...BEIN THERE,yea,that's it,bein there.But me bein me,I'll probably return 2 my old blog skin becoz I have no idea how to do anything on this except to post new entries,no offence to Denise who is probably screamin with frustration and angrily dialin the phone to call me,but I feel completly immobilized(sp?).SRY!)So when I get my blog back to they same ol' not boooring and plain as b4,I'm gonna put up a poll on which character should I b.Here's a preview:

1.EMO(I'll b reali negative and quiet,and when my Math teacher asks me a quest. I dun noe how 2 answer,I'll say(in a Brit accent;no offence to my English frens!):"O,but what am I to judge a rose,with all it's beauty,for it has thorns-"(And continue with a American hard-rockstar accent;no offence to American hard-rockstars):"-that pierce through your heart and into your soul and mashes it into mush!"(And back to mellow English accent quieter than ever):"Cookies.")

2.B a nerd(U:Hey Sim,wanna hang out?
Me:Wait first I have to do Math.
U:Nerd.)no offence to nerd and Math doers

3.B than I already am(I'll reply to ppl's quest. reali loudly in a reali annoyin way and clap my hands 4 5mins every 3 mins and yell random stuff like:"Happy Oobla Day!"and "Crocodiligator"and "FLABS!")

4.Love myself too much("I'm so pretty!I'm so smart!I'm so nice!I'm so kind!I'm so friendly!I'm sooo popular that everybody loooves ME!But nobody loves me more than ME!"need I say more?)

5.B a more of a tom-boy than I already am(U:Hey Sim,wanna hang out?
Me:U mean like do stuff that involves mud,spit, blood and bugs?And Mud?

6.B reali mysterious(Maths teacher:What's 2+2
Me:4...or is it...
Random fren no.#3507:Do u like the cookies I baked u?
Me:I do...or do I...
Cashier:That'll b $4.65.
Me:It is...or is it...)
7.B reali sensitive(U:Hey Sim,wanna ha-
Me:You're so mean!
Me:*slap u then run of cryin*)
8.B reali aggresive(The math teacher asks me a complex Math sum:"What's 2+2?"And I ans:"3789."Math teacher who clearly doesn't hv a brain:"That's not correct."I pound my fist into my palm:"U gotta problem wit that,bub?")
9.B...I dunno...not me?(...I got nothin.)
10.B 100% ME!(By readin my blog,u can tell that I'm a crazy,HSM AND TWILIGHT fanatic,has a weird sense of humour who loves ppl type of girl)
So if u wanna vote now,just it is important...coz I'm reali troubled by this,I mean,if I dunno who I'm gonna b then...I won't noe me,even if I am me...WOW.That's a new level of vote vote vote!Every vote counts!
Actually,there's a lot more I wanna write..but ya noe,my memory isn't as gd as a 108 year old vampire(wink wink),so...

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