Friday, December 19, 2008

Old school;(almost)New ppl

Now that reality has hit me like a ton of bricks,I reali miss my frens!It's reali sad...(be sad with me ppl)So 4 e orientation...well,the Pricipal delived her signature loooooooong speech and we went to the classrooms(I still dunno my classmates,so pray 4 me!).So here's the St Nicks status(yes,I've been payin attention)-149 pure St Nicks,252 other pri sch,9 scholars(frm Malaysia,I think)which adds up 2 about...410,rite?Sry,bad math.Tsk,tsk,tsk!Such a disappointment!4 ppl who hv blogs,update them about ur orientation day!Like now(after readin my blog,of course)!So,we didn't reali do anything...just fill up forms and stuff...but 4 some reason,I was reali high...I mean I should b depressed,but bein hyper today was just...a bad move.Didn't reali meet anybody new...But I did see Natalia(6F),Natalie(6H),and big shocker-Min Ting(6J)!And of course,many PURITY GIRLS!Like Jobo(gave me a gigantic pen frm Paris),Fats,Nuts,Drama Queen(we hugged each other in the midst of movin ppl and weird stares),Nicole...If I missed out anybody,I'm sry,becoz of my bad memo!And I saw...ANGELINE!!!We clung onto each other after the whole orientation!I was seriously happy!
But,to tell u the truth,I'd rather give up my love 4 HSM and TWILIGHT and return 2 boring,lifeless me b4 I found it 4 my frens 2 b in the same sch as me and same class!I'd be jumpin 4 joy!
Oh,and today,when I entered the hall,I remembered when we prepared 4 graduation...I can still recall how all the teachers tried to get us 2 sing the two songs...and hearin our teachers sing(ok,well not all),but not seein 1 familiar face amongst the teachers I saw 2day...I was so overwhelmed by those bittersweet memories...and I reali want 2 relive the P6 graduation again,hard work and all.
I can b emo...
(back to my old happy self)SO!Type type type,about how ur day went at THE SEC 1 ORIENTATION.Was it as uneventful as mine?Hope not!
And to my BFFs in other schs,u must always remember what the last 'F' in BFF stands 4,alright!Miss you but love u all more,
P.S Oops,just realised that I was supposed 2 write(type)about my day with my fren Charlene in P5...oh well I'll try 2 update 2moro.
P.P.S I finished THE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY already!YAY!I love it!Go and read that book now,shoo!

"A thousand words will not leave so
deep an impression as one deed."
Henrik Ibsen

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