Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Best Day Ever!

TODAY WAS THE...BEST DAY EVER!!!Today was just like the most perfect day ever,even though it started to rain while we were already IN the pool.We had a great time and I just noe that I'm gonna get a sore throat tomorrow...but u noe what they say...LIVE FOR TODAY!Oh,and we(fine,it was only me,Angel,Denise that did most of the screamin)literally screamed when we saw our pressies.And the best part was that Shuning stayed for the whole X'mas Xchange!Although we told her that she could leave first becoz she didn't want to swim(or get wet,which is actually reali difficult when u're with us.)and we'd probably just swim for the rest of the day,she still stayed.And I got my Christmas wish(kinda...)so,Santa,u and ur reindeer don't need to come by my house.XD
After the X'mas Xchange(as in the actual xchangin' part)which took up about 45 mins,and a lot of screamin and shoutin later,we played CHARADES(sp?).It was HI-larious,since I was the judge(or referee)and I let them pick the lots I made,which were kinda difficult to act out...I'm EVIL!!!Muahahaha!
I'll blog later(as in tomorrow)!

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