Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yo yo yo!

PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME...I haven't updated coz I'm procrastinatin(or maybe it's laziness).But watever(I've said watever a lot today...dunno why),today I went shoppin!And bought...STAR DUST!(Well not exactly star's actually glitter with itty bitty stars)and they cost a bomb!I could feel the money flowin outta my pocket while I was buyin it...*sigh*And I also bought...HSM3 TRADING CARDS COLLECTOR BINDER!!!I'm startin another collection...(yes I'm obsessed!)But individual packets of trading cards aren't out yet!Patience is a virtue...Good things come to those who wait...I'm so full of wise words...(LOL)
And I bought a BOOK!Called The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart.It's so nice!And it's from the same publisher as TWILIGHT!-LITTLE,BROWNThere'll be an except and from the book.READ IT.
And a public announcement frm my cousin:She has been banned frm her computer and thus has not been updatin her blog...Lets just say her privacy has been invaded,by who?I dunno?But kids need S P A C E!!!Grown-ups think kids're not human.Life's so unfair!
And shoutout to my Bestie-Jolene!Heyz JOBO!Ppl who noe me(or strangers)pls help me pray that we'll be in the same class next year!We'll make the best JOBO SIMMO team ever!
Wat else,wat else?Nothing much...but HAPPY HOLS!

Disclaimer:I dun own the fine piece of liturature below.It soley belongs to Mr.Trenton Lee Stewart.
When this perculiar ad appears in the newpaper,dozens of children enroll to take a series of mysterious mind-bending tests.But in the end just four very special children will suceed.Their challenge:to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and resourceful children could complete.With their newfound friendship at stake,will they be able to pass the most important test of all?
The third question was,thankfully,less emotional.It read:"What is wrong with this statement?"How funny,Reynie thought,and marking down his answer he felt somewhat cheered."It isn't a statement at all,"he wrote."It's a question."
P.S I've been postin the 'gd phrases'(6P girls u'll understand).So here's the wisdom 4 two days ago,yesterday and today.
"A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step."
"To show your true ability is always,
in a sense,to surpass the limits of your ability,
to go a little beyond them:
to dare,to seek,to invent;
it is at such a moment that new talents
are reavealed,discovered and
Simone de Beauvior
"Happiness is not in
the mere possession
of money;
it lies in the joy of achievement,
in the thrill of creative effort."
Franklin Roosevelt

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