Monday, December 8, 2008

B O R E D outta my mind

Heyya!So,um I just reali bored right this entry'll be short...I'll probably post another entry later with my cousin,Celine.But just so that this entry has more content,today I went to hv lunch at a Indonesian(sp?)restaurant.It was buffet style,but it wasn't that nice...I'd rather International buffet.(in a dreamy voice)Buffets(is that the plural form 4 'buffet'?)are nice...Oh,and check out my other cousin Ning Ning's blog(FYI,she hasn't update in a while): (SHUT UP GLORIA!)
And go to to vote for pet no.7--Milow(DO IT OR I'LL KILL U).
So byeeeee!
"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and work and play
and look up at the stars."
Henry van Dyke

P.S I'll look 4 blogskinz 2nite.

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