Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kinda bored...

Hellooo ppl!
Sry I haven't reali um...I've been sorta busy...sorta.What's new with my life?...Oh,my maid was sent home coz she had this health,I'm adjustin without a maid to boss around...but today I cooked instant noodles(not cup)ALL BY MYSELF!!!YAY ME!And I bought more of the HSM3 trading cards!!!I'm on my way to collecting them all!
So...that's about life's gettin boring,huh?OOH!Dun miss Survivor:Gabon's final episode 2moro!!!I like Sugar but I highly doubt she'll win...maybe Matty will...And did anybody watch The Amazing Race's finale?It was so close!I literally screeeaaamed when Nick and Starr won!
Missin all my BFFs,

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