Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Goin craaazzy!

OK,so yesterday was like the worst day ever!And today,I saw,in this chinese newpaper,a contest where they ppl will choose 10 ppl who enter(u just need name,add,tel and NRIC)and give them a TWILIGHT mug,4 notebks and a poster(I've been looking everywhere 4 it)!I thought it would b such a miracle if I got a set becoz just yesterday(worst day ever),at Bugis Junction,u had to spend $120 then u can go 4 a sure win lucky draw 4 either 1 of those movie stuff and I bought a bag 4 $145(it took me a hard time to convince my mum dat I wanted the bag and not the free stuff)and it turned out dat the stuff ran out of stock!!!That's so suckish,becoz I wanted to buy HSM3 collector's cards(u noe)and I couldn't find it and now the TWILIGHT stuff were out of stock.So u're sayin like:why not got to ebay and buy?And I snap:BECOZ MY MUM WON'T LET ME!!!And u noe in S'pore,they dun sell stuff like that so I felt like cryin on the spot.My eyes got red and the tears were spillin over(I didn't cry).Angry,frustrated...feel my pain.So I'm sumittin my particulars 4 the contest thing and so far,frm 08:18-08:43(time),I've sent out 108 emails to the ppl at the papers.
I just cannot stand those posers that "love" TWILIGHT becoz of the movie and they hv dun even read the books!So I'm venting my anger by sending out as many emails as possible,so my chances of winnin r higher.And to those posers who started likin TWILIGHT just becoz of BREAKING DAWN and/or the movie,u suck!*starts cursin at those ppl*"!@#$%^&*"I HATE U! (Breathes heavily)They dun deserve anything!(except 4 those who r my frens,then that's ok)Hope they die a Happy Tree Friends death!!!Muahahaha!!!
I'm gonna start email s'more soon,so tata!
To those fake TWILIGHT lovers in S'PORE:LOSERS!LOSER-FACE!(chuckles evilly)I bet I noe more about TWILIGHT than u losers!(no offence)
P.S I reali need to find a way to channel my anger!But right now I'm BIO(bloggin it out)
P.P.S Help me pray that I'll get the TWILIGHT stuff!

"Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who
have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope"
Dale Carnegie

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