Tuesday, December 2, 2008

:( saddy sad

*sigh*Shuning called me bright and early in the morning...she told me that she's fallen out wit my 2 other BFFs--Denise and Ning Zhen.Actually,2 me the whole darn thing is quite a small matter(keyword:to me),but to them,it isn't something to do during the hols.So now the whole group(the ppl on my Besties list;save Rachel,she has no part in this).So the rest of us're caught up in the middle of this hate-fest(hate is a strong word,but my vocab is pretty limited)and I just want it to stop.C'mon ppl!Y start this now?It's almost X'mas(hence the early X'mas Xchange) and Christmas is about the joy of giving and recievin love(usually in present form.;D)!
Now,I'm juz reali confused and sad becoz I am juz a innocent bystander/peace-maker(yup,I'm not pickin sides and I dun wanna).But,of course,that's juz MY opinion.I hv no experience with this sorta thing and I'm livin in a happy daydream land,so...yea.
Everybody's angry/upset/both and I've changed my Christmas wish:I wish everybody would juz let this go and be frens 4eva.(So holler Santa!If u r readin,plz give me wat I want 4 Christmas.I'll try 2 leave cookies and milk 4 u!)
I am in no mood 2 watch TWILIGHT movie now,becoz of this whole thing.*sigh*(again)
Oh,and today,I recieved/made a total of 11 phone calls...
World peace,
P.S I'm not writing this 4 show or anything.I m juz writing this like a journal(like how a gd ol' fashioned blog should be like),and I'm not addressin 2 anyone in particular(except Santa Clause).
P.P.S Santa is real,FYI
P.P.P.S Below are the qualities(not all coz they r 2 many)of my BFFs,so juz...yea

(according to ABCs)
Angline--Reali nice but sometimes blur.Is a gd listenin ear if u hv probs and is willin to help out anytime.Also,we share the same passion 4 TWILIGHT!
Denise--Is very mature and sticks up 4 frens(like a big sis).Is a loyal fren and never lies.She's also trustworthy and nice.
Gloria--Kinda dumb sometimes but a gd fren all in all.Never fails 2 cheer us up in the toughest of times and is reali funny.She's also kind hearted and lurves Korean Dramas.
Ning Zhen--Is patient and is polite and nice.always smiles and is a loyal fren and never gossips and/or lies.
Shannon--Is a worrywart sometimes,but is very,very,VERY loyal.Hates disputes(like me)and is helpful and sweet.
Shuning--Likes to insult ppl,but it's becoz we noe she's jokin.Is funny and always cheer me up when I m down.

Let this be a reminder of how much we love each other.

P.P.P.P.S Sry this entry is so plain.GTG.


Shuning said...

Omg seriously lah...

Denise said...

Denise here... U forgot to mention i like anime :) Big sis? U make me sound old, glo's older than me lor!