Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So my cousin didn't cum yesterday.:(But wateves...I spent the nite readin fanfics and listening to songs...And I watched ET(entertainment 2nite)and found out that Miley Cyrus is no.100 in the list of ___(I forgot,OK?)women so I decided to listen to some of her songs and now I'm hooked.I'm such an idiot...but I never said she could ACT well.But she can sing...kinda...well,fine she can sing.
And big,big,BIG news...I went 4 a haircut today...so u all can feel my pain...It's reali short...but not like a bowlcut...it's more of a bob-ish type of hairstyle.It's still short(like it was ever long).But I forgave the hairdresser,she was nice and told me my hair was pretty(as in like the quality of hair and wateva...).*attempts to flip hair*She said I had a natural curl...ya hear that?Ol' natur-al.Well it's more of a wave...
I just realised a wrote a whole chapter about my hair...*gasp*
Wat else,wat else...Um,I bought 8days 2day...AHHH!KRISTEN STEWART AND ROBERT PATTINSON MADE THE FRONT COVER!!!!!That's why I bought it...And ppl say he's U.G.L.Y.He's sooo tall!1.85!!!*SCREAM!!!!*And I'm a total Kristen Stewart fan now...But I think she has to smile more...(just an opnion...)I LOVE TWILIGHT...AND HSM!
And I think u all noticed I didn't actually go look 4 blogskinz...

1 comment:

Denise said...

OSW!!! Call me lar, for goodness sakes... I help you with ur blog la, then also add a cbox leh, easier for us to talk... especially since u dont have MSN! Call me!!!