Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Say bye to 2008:(

Helo everybody.
I'm so sad right now.
2008 is comin to an end in just hours. And this year is the best year ever.
In 2008, I discovered TWILIGHT. I'd found something else to love other than HSM becoz I needed something to distract me while I was waiting for HSM3. I'd taken obsession to the next level by talking to the book and holding it in my arms where ever I went.
In 2008, I was in 6 PURITY. The best class ever, in my opinion. Each student was special in her own way and made 6P what it is- a fun and funny class. We were each given an animal to be and we stuck with it through the year(I'm a giraffe). But there were "wars" goin on. 2, in fact. I dun wanna mention anything but at that time, no matter which side you were on, you had frens who trust and love you, and you can tell, becoz they're still with you even if you're in different schs.
In 2008, I found a great group of frens-Angeline, Denise, Gloria, Ning Zhen, Shannon and Shuning. They stuck with me even when I was difficult and tolerated all my nonsense. My frenship also grew with Rachel, Jolene, Drama Queen and a lot more ppl. I knew how to tell whether sb was a true fren or not.
In 2008, our teachers were... PSLE was a nickname for doom. But in the midst of not handing up hw and talking in class, we actually learned something and we survived PSLE. Hooray! The teachers was fantastic, especially Mrs Hum and Su Lao Shi,Mrs Lye and Ms Lim, in fact, I think I might miss them. A lot.
In 2008, my mum was more of a B that she ever was. I learned how to block her out and not cry when she slapped me. I learned to keep my face neutral(though she thinks that's my bad temper look) and not seek revenge. She complained more than ever this year and her unreasonableness was excruciatin. But I survived it though.
In 2008, I discovered Club Penguin and bloggin(thx Denise 4 gettin me addicted). Fads come and go but true frenship is always there.
In 2008, I got more involved with fanfiction. I left over 200 reviews this year(yay me). I've also started publishin again(more yays)
In 2008, many disasters occured around the world. Myanmar, Sichuan... a lot of sadness this year but everybody around the world pitched in to help and made it all better. And of course, the China milk incident. We're doubtin China's products...(I still remember Shuning raiding through everybody's pencilcase for China stuff to throw away). We're gonna check the fine prints b4 buyin stuff now.
In 2008, learned to accept reality and rejection. Sometimes when u work hard and dun get the results u wanted, it's v.sad. But I managed to pull through. I also taught myself how to work hard, endure and try my best, (even if that was at the end of the year) and I'm so proud of myself. I actually tried b4 I asked for help and that was reali satisfyin.
In 2008, two of my BFs moved away and left me all alone:( That was sad.
In 2008, I got to go out with my frens for the first time. That was cool. I'll remember goin out with my BFFs always.
In 2008, the class bonded over laughs and tears. Even if were're not all at the same place next year, we're still 6 PURITY and once a 6P girl, always a 6P girl. I'll hv to get used to not havin u all there with me in class next year.(tearin up as I'm typin)
This entry is dedicated to everyone whos made my year the best one ever. Call me crazy, but I'll b celebratin the comin of 2009. The future is scary but it's not written in stone. Everyone has a hand in makin their future a better one and hope 2009 will be filled with joy and laughter for all my readers.
But to my BFFs and classmates, dun 4get me, ok? Dun forget the crazy giraffe orange squashed work and drama queen 2 in 6P'08.
I might be growing older but I'm never growin up.
Peace out ppl! And have a great New Year(Chinese New Year comes earlier this year. Yay! Money!)
P.S I also got to stay overnite in Tokyo Disneyland at the Tokyo Disneyland hotel and I felt like a princess! I loved it. Best hotel ever!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Bck frm Penang

Sry I haven't blogged in a while.I've been busy with fanfiction!I'm just in love with it!I mean I never knew that publishing a story could b so satasfyin...And now I workin on a new 1...a contest!Wish me luck!It's a humor one,so my weird humor'll guide me through.

Anyways,heads up 2 ppl who love my blogskin:I'm changin it.(if u wanna tag me,u can go to b4 the last day of the last minute of the last second of 2008...CAN U BELIEVE IT?!!?So much has happened in a year...a long recap of this years events will b dun worry if ur bored or happen to b surfin the web and decided to come to my site...

OH,and now I'm obsessed with tryin to memorise all 50 states in USA with a song b4 I'm bck in sch..learn along if you want!

Fifty Nifty United States:
50 States that Rhyme:



Sunday, December 21, 2008

CYA when I CYA!

Hey hey hey ppl!I'm goin 2 Penang 2moro!All the way until Christmas...mid-X'mas anyways...I'll b goin at around 2p.m I'll probably update again,but u noe...u never noe me...So,let me wish everybody a...VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! Hope everybody's Christmas wish comes true and hope that under ur tree is what u've been wishin 4!Remember 2 leave sum cookies and milk 4 Santa!
OH!And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STEPHENIE MEYER whos b'day is on the 24th of Dec!(Lucky duck!)She gets 2 presents almost at the same time!
So...I'm gonna do a recap of yesterday and the day b4 that...lets see now...
(flashback 2 Fri)
So,me and my mom's fren's daughter(in short,my fren)went 2 my mom's gatherin with like 4 of her frens...and our moms dragged us along...UGH!,eet my fren,Charlene!She's a year younger than me and wateva...we talk like we're the same age.So we went to sum country club thing and we were bored outta our minds,but we made our day better by goin swimmin!(I realised I've gone swimmin more times this year than last year.)And we had sooo much fun!
(flashback to yesterday)
I bouught 15 packets of HSM collectors' cards!(I took the money 4 10 packets frm my shoppin wallet without my mom noein and asked my mom to let me buy 5 packets!)And I (finally)got TROYELLA!!!!!!!
(back 2 today)
I feel like writin more but I just discovered a fanfic and I'm tryin 2 read all the chapters b4 2moro,so toodles!

The last quote:
"True friendship comes when the silence
between two people is comfortable."
Dave Gentry

Well that's all folks!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Old school;(almost)New ppl

Now that reality has hit me like a ton of bricks,I reali miss my frens!It's reali sad...(be sad with me ppl)So 4 e orientation...well,the Pricipal delived her signature loooooooong speech and we went to the classrooms(I still dunno my classmates,so pray 4 me!).So here's the St Nicks status(yes,I've been payin attention)-149 pure St Nicks,252 other pri sch,9 scholars(frm Malaysia,I think)which adds up 2 about...410,rite?Sry,bad math.Tsk,tsk,tsk!Such a disappointment!4 ppl who hv blogs,update them about ur orientation day!Like now(after readin my blog,of course)!So,we didn't reali do anything...just fill up forms and stuff...but 4 some reason,I was reali high...I mean I should b depressed,but bein hyper today was just...a bad move.Didn't reali meet anybody new...But I did see Natalia(6F),Natalie(6H),and big shocker-Min Ting(6J)!And of course,many PURITY GIRLS!Like Jobo(gave me a gigantic pen frm Paris),Fats,Nuts,Drama Queen(we hugged each other in the midst of movin ppl and weird stares),Nicole...If I missed out anybody,I'm sry,becoz of my bad memo!And I saw...ANGELINE!!!We clung onto each other after the whole orientation!I was seriously happy!
But,to tell u the truth,I'd rather give up my love 4 HSM and TWILIGHT and return 2 boring,lifeless me b4 I found it 4 my frens 2 b in the same sch as me and same class!I'd be jumpin 4 joy!
Oh,and today,when I entered the hall,I remembered when we prepared 4 graduation...I can still recall how all the teachers tried to get us 2 sing the two songs...and hearin our teachers sing(ok,well not all),but not seein 1 familiar face amongst the teachers I saw 2day...I was so overwhelmed by those bittersweet memories...and I reali want 2 relive the P6 graduation again,hard work and all.
I can b emo...
(back to my old happy self)SO!Type type type,about how ur day went at THE SEC 1 ORIENTATION.Was it as uneventful as mine?Hope not!
And to my BFFs in other schs,u must always remember what the last 'F' in BFF stands 4,alright!Miss you but love u all more,
P.S Oops,just realised that I was supposed 2 write(type)about my day with my fren Charlene in P5...oh well I'll try 2 update 2moro.
P.P.S I finished THE MYSTERIOUS BENEDICT SOCIETY already!YAY!I love it!Go and read that book now,shoo!

"A thousand words will not leave so
deep an impression as one deed."
Henrik Ibsen

Thursday, December 18, 2008

*sigh*...Reality is harsh

(Very dejectedly)Hi ppl...*sigh*Well,I got back my sec sch results...4 those of u who dun noe(I doubt so)I've been posted 2 St Nicks...Y so sad,u ask.Becoz everyone is goin seperate ways...Poh Poh is goin 2 Duman(High,not Sec),Denise and Shu're goin 2 Nanyang,NZ is goin 2 Nan Chiao(sp?) and Shannon is goin 2 NJC...only Angie(yay!)is stayin with me in St Nicks.Not to mention Drama Queen,Fats,Nutsy,Jobo and Carolyn.But most probably we won't be in the same class...and sum ppl I'm...not OK with might be in the same class as me(no,not u!).SAD.I noe it,I just noe it!We'll reassure each other that we'll be best frens 4ever and by the end of next year,they'll b like "WHO r U?"And by mid-2010,it'll be like best frens never!
But next year,I'm probably gonna re-invent my personality.I mean,if I can sit quietly at the back of my art class 4 more than half a year,than I can b someone else.(OK,by now,u would've realised that my blog looks different...well it is!The blog skin anyways,the rest of the blog is still 100% ME!A GREAT BIG THANKS TO DENISE WHO HELPED ME WITH MY TECH DIFFICULTIES.AND TO GLORIA 2 FOR...BEIN THERE,yea,that's it,bein there.But me bein me,I'll probably return 2 my old blog skin becoz I have no idea how to do anything on this except to post new entries,no offence to Denise who is probably screamin with frustration and angrily dialin the phone to call me,but I feel completly immobilized(sp?).SRY!)So when I get my blog back to they same ol' not boooring and plain as b4,I'm gonna put up a poll on which character should I b.Here's a preview:

1.EMO(I'll b reali negative and quiet,and when my Math teacher asks me a quest. I dun noe how 2 answer,I'll say(in a Brit accent;no offence to my English frens!):"O,but what am I to judge a rose,with all it's beauty,for it has thorns-"(And continue with a American hard-rockstar accent;no offence to American hard-rockstars):"-that pierce through your heart and into your soul and mashes it into mush!"(And back to mellow English accent quieter than ever):"Cookies.")

2.B a nerd(U:Hey Sim,wanna hang out?
Me:Wait first I have to do Math.
U:Nerd.)no offence to nerd and Math doers

3.B than I already am(I'll reply to ppl's quest. reali loudly in a reali annoyin way and clap my hands 4 5mins every 3 mins and yell random stuff like:"Happy Oobla Day!"and "Crocodiligator"and "FLABS!")

4.Love myself too much("I'm so pretty!I'm so smart!I'm so nice!I'm so kind!I'm so friendly!I'm sooo popular that everybody loooves ME!But nobody loves me more than ME!"need I say more?)

5.B a more of a tom-boy than I already am(U:Hey Sim,wanna hang out?
Me:U mean like do stuff that involves mud,spit, blood and bugs?And Mud?

6.B reali mysterious(Maths teacher:What's 2+2
Me:4...or is it...
Random fren no.#3507:Do u like the cookies I baked u?
Me:I do...or do I...
Cashier:That'll b $4.65.
Me:It is...or is it...)
7.B reali sensitive(U:Hey Sim,wanna ha-
Me:You're so mean!
Me:*slap u then run of cryin*)
8.B reali aggresive(The math teacher asks me a complex Math sum:"What's 2+2?"And I ans:"3789."Math teacher who clearly doesn't hv a brain:"That's not correct."I pound my fist into my palm:"U gotta problem wit that,bub?")
9.B...I dunno...not me?(...I got nothin.)
10.B 100% ME!(By readin my blog,u can tell that I'm a crazy,HSM AND TWILIGHT fanatic,has a weird sense of humour who loves ppl type of girl)
So if u wanna vote now,just it is important...coz I'm reali troubled by this,I mean,if I dunno who I'm gonna b then...I won't noe me,even if I am me...WOW.That's a new level of vote vote vote!Every vote counts!
Actually,there's a lot more I wanna write..but ya noe,my memory isn't as gd as a 108 year old vampire(wink wink),so...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I just cannot stand some ppl!
"It's very likely you will be watching Twilight in the theatres together with screaming female fans."Blah blah blah blah blah blah!As if S'poreans "female fans"will be screamin coz they're too concerned with how other ppl will think of them!As if they reali like TWILIGHT!To them it's just a fad.They'll b on with their lives when this whole thing blows over!In the U.S it's different.Some ppl are willing to line up 4 7hrs to get red carpet and movie passes and they're so into it,I mean like they have tatoos and everything!(I'm planning to draw on my arm like what I did 4 HSM3)And the "female fans" here r here becoz "it's v.popular"!Not that I'm not happy that Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT is so popular,but they're likin it 4 the wrong reasons!I bet 90% of those "female fans"didn't noe that the author's name is spelt 'Stephenie' and not 'Stephanie'.DUH!!!It's such an insult!I hope I become a vampire so I can kill those losers.
And the fact that TWILIGHT's recieved more attention than HSM3 in S'pore just pisses me off,OK?I mean I love them both equally but helo,International No.1 Movie we're talkin about!But I'm happy(in a way)becoz I'm a strugglin patron of HSM,tryin so hard to show the world the beauty of HSM.But that's not the case 4 TWILIGHT.Most ppl dun noe what they're screamin about.That just sucks!I'd prefer Team Jacob(werewolves're cool 2!)ppl rather than "female fans" any day,becoz unlike the clueless S'porean "female fans",they noe what they're screamin about!
I'm BIO so dun be offended.It's just one girl's opinion.
And,like I've said to Fats,I'M NOT CREEPY!I'M JUST OBSESSIVE.
And(again)I've hit my no.200 email!(refer to my last entry 4 recap)I'm goin 4 no.300!Wish me luck!

Goin craaazzy!

OK,so yesterday was like the worst day ever!And today,I saw,in this chinese newpaper,a contest where they ppl will choose 10 ppl who enter(u just need name,add,tel and NRIC)and give them a TWILIGHT mug,4 notebks and a poster(I've been looking everywhere 4 it)!I thought it would b such a miracle if I got a set becoz just yesterday(worst day ever),at Bugis Junction,u had to spend $120 then u can go 4 a sure win lucky draw 4 either 1 of those movie stuff and I bought a bag 4 $145(it took me a hard time to convince my mum dat I wanted the bag and not the free stuff)and it turned out dat the stuff ran out of stock!!!That's so suckish,becoz I wanted to buy HSM3 collector's cards(u noe)and I couldn't find it and now the TWILIGHT stuff were out of stock.So u're sayin like:why not got to ebay and buy?And I snap:BECOZ MY MUM WON'T LET ME!!!And u noe in S'pore,they dun sell stuff like that so I felt like cryin on the spot.My eyes got red and the tears were spillin over(I didn't cry).Angry,frustrated...feel my pain.So I'm sumittin my particulars 4 the contest thing and so far,frm 08:18-08:43(time),I've sent out 108 emails to the ppl at the papers.
I just cannot stand those posers that "love" TWILIGHT becoz of the movie and they hv dun even read the books!So I'm venting my anger by sending out as many emails as possible,so my chances of winnin r higher.And to those posers who started likin TWILIGHT just becoz of BREAKING DAWN and/or the movie,u suck!*starts cursin at those ppl*"!@#$%^&*"I HATE U! (Breathes heavily)They dun deserve anything!(except 4 those who r my frens,then that's ok)Hope they die a Happy Tree Friends death!!!Muahahaha!!!
I'm gonna start email s'more soon,so tata!
To those fake TWILIGHT lovers in S'PORE:LOSERS!LOSER-FACE!(chuckles evilly)I bet I noe more about TWILIGHT than u losers!(no offence)
P.S I reali need to find a way to channel my anger!But right now I'm BIO(bloggin it out)
P.P.S Help me pray that I'll get the TWILIGHT stuff!

"Most of the important things in the world
have been accomplished by people who
have kept trying when there seemed to be no hope"
Dale Carnegie

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Did anyone watch the finale for SUVIVOR:GABON?It was...kinda surprising...No one voted for sad.I loved her!I can't believe Matty lost to a fire-making competition!But I would've voted for Sugar.Corrine is so mean!I hate her!But Bob deserved it...HI-larious when he couldn't build a house of cards...Hello?Physics teacher?Sugar was doin pretty well too,I can see how she approaches it-making taller but thus makin it less stable.Matty was goin for the reali stable approach and Susie...I dunno how she did it but she won the last Immunity challenge.When Sugar had to vote between her 'Dad'(Bob)and her 'Bro'(Matty),it brought tears to my sad!And Matty was furious coz she promised him that she'll never rite his name down...but it ended out in a tie which led to the fire-makin tie-breaker,which Bob won...*sigh*.But Randy was the one who can't forgive and forget,I mean,it was a COOKIE!Ugh!
Here's the list for the top 5:
1st BOB
5th KEN(loser!)
But I thought THE AMAZING RACE was less dramatic becoz there were no blindsides and no one had to endure Corrine,Randy,Crystal and Ken.But I was a hard-core Nick and Starr fan for TAR...They are unbelievable!I love them!
So I'm goin shopping later,if u watched either TAR or SURVIVOR,tag me.It is of utmost importance...And I welcome my cousin,Celine back to the INTERNET...After...a sad incident...
TO CELINE:u better break up with him!
TO 6P GIRLS:Drama Queen's party is on Dec 23 @ her house...I'm not goin...dun bother to buy pressies for me...and tell me which sch u all get into,ok?(this public announcement is brought to u by me and Yong Yi,u still owe me 6million dollars(remember?)and plus the fees for this announcement,it sums up to about 7million and 500 US$.US$.)

"Maturity begins to grow when you can sense your
concern for others outweighing your
concern for yourself."
John MacNaughton

"Having once decided to achieve a certain task,
achieve it at all costs of tedium and distaste.
The gain in self-confidence of having accomplished
a tiresome labor is immense."
Thomas Bennett

"Disocvery is seeing what everybody else has seen,
and thinking what nobody else has thought."
Albert Szent-Gyorgi

Tan Yong Yi(u r famous)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Kinda bored...

Hellooo ppl!
Sry I haven't reali um...I've been sorta busy...sorta.What's new with my life?...Oh,my maid was sent home coz she had this health,I'm adjustin without a maid to boss around...but today I cooked instant noodles(not cup)ALL BY MYSELF!!!YAY ME!And I bought more of the HSM3 trading cards!!!I'm on my way to collecting them all!
So...that's about life's gettin boring,huh?OOH!Dun miss Survivor:Gabon's final episode 2moro!!!I like Sugar but I highly doubt she'll win...maybe Matty will...And did anybody watch The Amazing Race's finale?It was so close!I literally screeeaaamed when Nick and Starr won!
Missin all my BFFs,

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yo yo yo!

PROCRASTINATION IS THE THIEF OF TIME...I haven't updated coz I'm procrastinatin(or maybe it's laziness).But watever(I've said watever a lot today...dunno why),today I went shoppin!And bought...STAR DUST!(Well not exactly star's actually glitter with itty bitty stars)and they cost a bomb!I could feel the money flowin outta my pocket while I was buyin it...*sigh*And I also bought...HSM3 TRADING CARDS COLLECTOR BINDER!!!I'm startin another collection...(yes I'm obsessed!)But individual packets of trading cards aren't out yet!Patience is a virtue...Good things come to those who wait...I'm so full of wise words...(LOL)
And I bought a BOOK!Called The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart.It's so nice!And it's from the same publisher as TWILIGHT!-LITTLE,BROWNThere'll be an except and from the book.READ IT.
And a public announcement frm my cousin:She has been banned frm her computer and thus has not been updatin her blog...Lets just say her privacy has been invaded,by who?I dunno?But kids need S P A C E!!!Grown-ups think kids're not human.Life's so unfair!
And shoutout to my Bestie-Jolene!Heyz JOBO!Ppl who noe me(or strangers)pls help me pray that we'll be in the same class next year!We'll make the best JOBO SIMMO team ever!
Wat else,wat else?Nothing much...but HAPPY HOLS!

Disclaimer:I dun own the fine piece of liturature below.It soley belongs to Mr.Trenton Lee Stewart.
When this perculiar ad appears in the newpaper,dozens of children enroll to take a series of mysterious mind-bending tests.But in the end just four very special children will suceed.Their challenge:to go on a secret mission that only the most intelligent and resourceful children could complete.With their newfound friendship at stake,will they be able to pass the most important test of all?
The third question was,thankfully,less emotional.It read:"What is wrong with this statement?"How funny,Reynie thought,and marking down his answer he felt somewhat cheered."It isn't a statement at all,"he wrote."It's a question."
P.S I've been postin the 'gd phrases'(6P girls u'll understand).So here's the wisdom 4 two days ago,yesterday and today.
"A journey of a thousand miles
must begin with a single step."
"To show your true ability is always,
in a sense,to surpass the limits of your ability,
to go a little beyond them:
to dare,to seek,to invent;
it is at such a moment that new talents
are reavealed,discovered and
Simone de Beauvior
"Happiness is not in
the mere possession
of money;
it lies in the joy of achievement,
in the thrill of creative effort."
Franklin Roosevelt

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So my cousin didn't cum yesterday.:(But wateves...I spent the nite readin fanfics and listening to songs...And I watched ET(entertainment 2nite)and found out that Miley Cyrus is no.100 in the list of ___(I forgot,OK?)women so I decided to listen to some of her songs and now I'm hooked.I'm such an idiot...but I never said she could ACT well.But she can sing...kinda...well,fine she can sing.
And big,big,BIG news...I went 4 a haircut u all can feel my pain...It's reali short...but not like a's more of a bob-ish type of hairstyle.It's still short(like it was ever long).But I forgave the hairdresser,she was nice and told me my hair was pretty(as in like the quality of hair and wateva...).*attempts to flip hair*She said I had a natural curl...ya hear that?Ol' natur-al.Well it's more of a wave...
I just realised a wrote a whole chapter about my hair...*gasp*
Wat else,wat else...Um,I bought 8days 2day...AHHH!KRISTEN STEWART AND ROBERT PATTINSON MADE THE FRONT COVER!!!!!That's why I bought it...And ppl say he's U.G.L.Y.He's sooo tall!1.85!!!*SCREAM!!!!*And I'm a total Kristen Stewart fan now...But I think she has to smile more...(just an opnion...)I LOVE TWILIGHT...AND HSM!
And I think u all noticed I didn't actually go look 4 blogskinz...

Monday, December 8, 2008

B O R E D outta my mind

Heyya!So,um I just reali bored right this entry'll be short...I'll probably post another entry later with my cousin,Celine.But just so that this entry has more content,today I went to hv lunch at a Indonesian(sp?)restaurant.It was buffet style,but it wasn't that nice...I'd rather International buffet.(in a dreamy voice)Buffets(is that the plural form 4 'buffet'?)are nice...Oh,and check out my other cousin Ning Ning's blog(FYI,she hasn't update in a while): (SHUT UP GLORIA!)
And go to to vote for pet no.7--Milow(DO IT OR I'LL KILL U).
So byeeeee!
"Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love and work and play
and look up at the stars."
Henry van Dyke

P.S I'll look 4 blogskinz 2nite.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

The start of a BAD day.

UGH.My mom...what else do I have to say?Yesterday,I bought this musical box(the classical one with the handle)which plays my mom's fav tune(I dun think she even noes the name of the music and/or the composer):Canon in D.I left it in my bag(I remember zipping it up)on my table but she HAD to just be a busybody and take all the stuff out of my bag.When she woke me up,she told my that she remembers me buyin a musical box already(Helloo?Collection?Anyways it was just 1 that plays 'My favourite things'frm THE SOUND OF MUSIC).And just like that,she ruined the X'mas surprise 4 herself.So obviously,I was cranky.She woke me up at 6a.m+,ruined her X'mas present and nagged and scolded me,if I'm not upset/angry/irritated,then it would be a miracle.And I was watchin KUNG FU PANDA(hi-larious)on my com and she scolded me for watchin it on my com when I should've watched it on her DVD/VCD player...dots...And she got all A.N.G.R.Y and her temper started to flare up(but she was ok when she complained to me how unfairly my grandpa was treatin her)and she loaded me up with Chinese proverbs (成语)work to do.She doesn't get the word HOLIDAY(she's only like that for Chinese)And it's SUNDAY.U noe,weekend...FUNDAY!I am just so pissed right now...I absolutely detest her...She's a real party pooper!
But I wanna tlk about KUNG FU PANDA.It's sooooooooooooooo funny!And he's obese(in a cute way).I think Jack Black did I gd job with Po's voice.Ppl who dun like him just STEP OFF!
And I just love,love,LOVE KRISTEN STEWART!She's such a fabulous actress and is reali pretty too!Go and watch her movies!I've watched 'Speak' already,I'm plannin to watch 'Catch that Kid' so just...go and watch it!She's so talented!
Mmhmm,so go and watch...and my cousin's changed her blog URL: .
Lots of love and watevas,

"We are what we think.
All that we are arises
with our thoughts.
With our thoughts,
we make our world"

Do u get it?Coz I dun.Here's one u'll get for sure:

"The past is history.
Tommorow is a mystery.
But today is a gift.
That's why it's called THE PRESENT."
Kung Fu Panda
(Sry if it's not word-for-word.Based off my memory)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Best Day Ever!Part II

Hellooooooo everybody!Sorry I didn't reali update 'tomorrow'(read the entry b4 this if u dun get it)but I was lazy,aaaand,I'VE FINISHED WATCHIN TWILIGHT!And it was awesome!
So,anyways,I just realised how blog was,and I wanna do a mini-makeover(but dun expect too much,I'm not reali a technical person)and add more stuff,so my recount of the X'MAS XCHANGE'll be brief(if u wanna get the full story,check out ANGIE'S,DENISE'S,GLORIA'S and SHUNING'S blog).

(blast to the past)...
These are the things on the charades lots(sry if I dun remember all of them.I only remember laughin a lot and havin a great time!XD):
Barack Obama...(Shannon got this one)
Miley Cyrus...(Denise go this one)
I am an idiot...(Gloria got this one,HAHA!No offense)
S'pore flyer...(Shuning got this one)
Sentosa...(Ning Zhen got this one)
HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!!!!...(Angie got this one...u can so tell I made this lot!)
Edward loves Bella...(Gloria got this one...u can so tell I made this lot)
I 4got this one but I remembered Shuning gettin this...can anyone jot my memory?A virtual hug 4 u if u do!

What else,what else?OH!While we were play Monopoly(we played this while it was rainin,but we stopped short after everyone realised it stopped raining.Shannon and I were kinda slow...teehee),I had to pay $100 for wateva reason,and I went to JAIL the round b4 we decided to go swiming again.Angeline was playin DJmax(yay!)and was not focused.Denise kept on rollin small no.s(*laugh*)and Shuning was banker(she threatened to keep all the Mono-Money(that's what I call Monopoly money)for herself).Shannon was excited about playin Monopoly and realised that it stopped rainin after playin a round of DJmax(She was 2nd last to realise,I was last).Ning Zhen and Gloria were the ones who did not experience anything during the game(it must have been boring 4 them).

And when we jumped into the pool 4 the 2nd time,I screamed coz the water was cold and started jogging(yes,joggin,not swiming)around the pool.I AM WEIRD.And Shuning played on my pogo-stick(random).We tried to dive down 2gether while shoutin:BEST FRIENDS FOREVER!But only after many,many,MANY attempts later,we finally got it right.(Check out Shuning's blog for the perfect(and not so perfect)one/s)The first attempt was the funniest 4 me.I shouted,"Best Friends..."then,upon finding out that no one else was screamin with me,turned to Denise,Ning Zhen and Shannon who were on my right,and Angeline,who was on my left,jumped into the pool,ALONE.Hysterical!

So yea,my recap is the most detailed(if I say so myself)but becoz of my fuzzy memory,I didn't rite/type out everything.Sorry!

And here are the presents that each of them gave moi:
Gloria-A kawaii giraffe soft toy that looked like I ball(I hope she didn't think I looked like that...JK!A chalk board(Random,but I thought it was cute(esp the mini magnets).And a tofu money box that was pink and cute!Reali cute!
Denise,Ning Zhen and Shannon-VANESSA HUDGENS' NEW ALBUM 'IDENTIFIED'(I screamed)and a HSM notebook(it was new and I screamed again).
Angeline-Cherina and Cherine stickers(frm Sanrio)and this cute thing to put on a desk(it has a small lil' WHITE TIGER in a bee costume!(in a weird voice)I lyke TIIGERSS!(I am aware that I spelt it wrong.))
Shuning-A metal bookmark with my name and a charm and HSM STICKERS!
And I got all of them...PAPER-WEIGHTS!Yay for things that weigh down paper so they dun fly off!I'm jokin...or maybe not...(glances around fugitively(sp?))...yup I'm sure I'm jokin.But I got them an assortment of stuff(frm JAPAN!)which I had to pay for and HAND-CARRY them through the plane and airport...(sulking)(in a small voice)It was heavy!

So there you have it...I'm pretty sure there won't be a The Best Day Ever!Part III,unless I missed out something...I'm too lazy to add chatbox,so just comment under COMMENTS.Or email me.I'm ok with wateva, I go to make my blog nice(r) a bit.

Here's a little phrase of Life...(They're supposed to be 12(for the 12 days of X'mas)but I figured that I probably can't update 12 days straight,so I'm starting if one of my future entries're just a phrase...just make the connection):

"Blessed are those who can give without remembering
and take without forgeting."
Elizabeth(Masen...I'm kidding.Hardcore TWILIGHT fans,u noe wat I'm tlking bout.If u dun,walk up to the wall and knock ur head on it.)Bibesco

Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Best Day Ever!

TODAY WAS THE...BEST DAY EVER!!!Today was just like the most perfect day ever,even though it started to rain while we were already IN the pool.We had a great time and I just noe that I'm gonna get a sore throat tomorrow...but u noe what they say...LIVE FOR TODAY!Oh,and we(fine,it was only me,Angel,Denise that did most of the screamin)literally screamed when we saw our pressies.And the best part was that Shuning stayed for the whole X'mas Xchange!Although we told her that she could leave first becoz she didn't want to swim(or get wet,which is actually reali difficult when u're with us.)and we'd probably just swim for the rest of the day,she still stayed.And I got my Christmas wish(kinda...)so,Santa,u and ur reindeer don't need to come by my house.XD
After the X'mas Xchange(as in the actual xchangin' part)which took up about 45 mins,and a lot of screamin and shoutin later,we played CHARADES(sp?).It was HI-larious,since I was the judge(or referee)and I let them pick the lots I made,which were kinda difficult to act out...I'm EVIL!!!Muahahaha!
I'll blog later(as in tomorrow)!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

:( saddy sad

*sigh*Shuning called me bright and early in the morning...she told me that she's fallen out wit my 2 other BFFs--Denise and Ning Zhen.Actually,2 me the whole darn thing is quite a small matter(keyword:to me),but to them,it isn't something to do during the hols.So now the whole group(the ppl on my Besties list;save Rachel,she has no part in this).So the rest of us're caught up in the middle of this hate-fest(hate is a strong word,but my vocab is pretty limited)and I just want it to stop.C'mon ppl!Y start this now?It's almost X'mas(hence the early X'mas Xchange) and Christmas is about the joy of giving and recievin love(usually in present form.;D)!
Now,I'm juz reali confused and sad becoz I am juz a innocent bystander/peace-maker(yup,I'm not pickin sides and I dun wanna).But,of course,that's juz MY opinion.I hv no experience with this sorta thing and I'm livin in a happy daydream land,so...yea.
Everybody's angry/upset/both and I've changed my Christmas wish:I wish everybody would juz let this go and be frens 4eva.(So holler Santa!If u r readin,plz give me wat I want 4 Christmas.I'll try 2 leave cookies and milk 4 u!)
I am in no mood 2 watch TWILIGHT movie now,becoz of this whole thing.*sigh*(again)
Oh,and today,I recieved/made a total of 11 phone calls...
World peace,
P.S I'm not writing this 4 show or anything.I m juz writing this like a journal(like how a gd ol' fashioned blog should be like),and I'm not addressin 2 anyone in particular(except Santa Clause).
P.P.S Santa is real,FYI
P.P.P.S Below are the qualities(not all coz they r 2 many)of my BFFs,so juz...yea

(according to ABCs)
Angline--Reali nice but sometimes blur.Is a gd listenin ear if u hv probs and is willin to help out anytime.Also,we share the same passion 4 TWILIGHT!
Denise--Is very mature and sticks up 4 frens(like a big sis).Is a loyal fren and never lies.She's also trustworthy and nice.
Gloria--Kinda dumb sometimes but a gd fren all in all.Never fails 2 cheer us up in the toughest of times and is reali funny.She's also kind hearted and lurves Korean Dramas.
Ning Zhen--Is patient and is polite and nice.always smiles and is a loyal fren and never gossips and/or lies.
Shannon--Is a worrywart sometimes,but is very,very,VERY loyal.Hates disputes(like me)and is helpful and sweet.
Shuning--Likes to insult ppl,but it's becoz we noe she's jokin.Is funny and always cheer me up when I m down.

Let this be a reminder of how much we love each other.

P.P.P.P.S Sry this entry is so plain.GTG.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Heyz frm me and my cousin,CELINE(cue cheers!)

I'm chillin with my cousin here,CELINE!
Me(to Celine):Say hi to the people!
Celine(lamely):Hi...and diao
So...I'M SO 'CITED FOR THE X'MAS XCHANGE(held on Dec 4)!My BFFs'll be @ my house,doin lame stuff!YAY!But to tell u the truth,I dun think they'll like my,er,all the ppl goin to my house,shoutout to y'all:I AM SRY IF MY PRESSIES R NOT AS GD AS WAT U GV ME...becoz of my mom,I hv a very limited budget...(I think u noe my story)
Anyways,back to the issues...TODAY IS WORLD AIDS DAY!By now,u all should've noticed that this entry is PINK!AND,this is 4 my fren,GLORIA who...(voice gradually gets smaller)...I noe she's gonna get angry but this entry is dedicated to her...she's SO gonna make me edit this out.
...OMG!My cousin just told me that this...person in her watever society thing thinks she's the BIGGEST HSM fan...pshh,yea right!I'm so A N G R Y!
To prove that I am a fan,I'm posting a Salute to High School Musical.U have to read,or else... some intrest in WORLD AIDS DAY becoz it is important.
It IS!
(I'm not so paranoid in real life,am I?NO...But I'm just reali high right now!)
P.S Go check out(I use that phrase a lot,dun I?)my cousin's blog:

A Salute to High School Musical:
On January 20th, 2006, a movie came out. It wasn't just any Disney movie but High School Musical. on top of having a cast of fresh, talented, (and hot) stars, it had a decent message and songs that were contagious. The movie was in fact so big, it went worldwide, topped the charts, won awards, and even had teachers singing the songs. It touched the hearts and souls of countless people around the world and raked in tons of money for Disney in the form of two DVDs, a soundtrack, posters, shirts, bags, and not to mention more pubclicity. High School Musical... some may say it's childish to like a Disney movie so much, but I think not. I'm proud to say I love the movie, and would like to say Happy Three Year Anniversary HSM. If you're a High School Musical fan and proud, copy this and paste it, or at least show some appreciation.