Saturday, April 18, 2009

'Hope you don't meet Buffy'

You know what?
Algebra confuses me.

Anyways, I'd like to clear this up, my lips were blue becoz of ice cream, ICE CREAM! Not monster sweet, not some weird lip disease... Limited Edition Ice Cream, kz? Sheesh!

And I guess you all know I was totally unhappy wit my 听写results... I deproved by 1 mark, becoz I spotted a mistake which cost me 1 mark... *sigh*... Ee Ning called me stupid, but I thought that was the right thing to do. If I see my results, knowin thats not the mark I deserve, I'll be so guilty... And the guilt will eat me alive... But really, 1 mark or honesty? Make ur decision, I've made mine.

I'm tryin out a new folder... I haven't been fully usin my old one.
I'll try to work out a system to help me be organised so I won't misplace anymore important hw or wateva...

Speakin of watEVA, I snuck a peek at Ee Ning's book- Ways to Live Forever... And I saw this cute list of ways to live forever.
-Find a girl named Eva and make her your GF(or something), so even if you can't live forever, you can live for Eva(foreva).
-Become a vampire. HOPE YOU DON'T MEET BUFFY.
Bwahahaha! Buffy! Oh pls! Buffy is a fictional character, vampires on the other hand... ;D

I've been slackin the past week... I'm tryin to make up for it, but its not workin out well... :( Why is it so hard for me to have self-control?!!? Gah.

BTW, GAH is like the new YOSH. Though I'm still usin YOSH NE!

P.S Is typin in this format easier for u to see? Coz I dun reali use double space, so its more diff to see paragraphs.

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