Sunday, April 26, 2009

Britain's got Talent
I played it back for abt 10 times! It was hilarious! The inspirational music was playing at the background, and Amanda went: "Drag acts are my favourite..." in a very nice and hope-giving... The guy was kinda smilin... then "...but you were rubbish, so no." His smile fell immediately! It was so funny!
I'm still kinda in disbelieve... but its quite QUITE catchy...

So Close

So Close
Jon Mclaughlin

You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive

A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close

So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close

How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far


So I haven't been posting... SUE ME!

T~T (so cute rite!)

Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm 13 but I act 15

(from Facebook)

[ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[x] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You've done your own laundry
[ ] You can vote in an election
[ ] You can cook for yourself
[x] You think politics are interesting (in the US)

[ ] You show up for school late a lot
[x] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[x] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[ ] You drink caffeine at least once a week

[ ] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language (in quite a few languages, actually)
[x] When you say you're going to do something you do it (I WILL do it, its just the matter of WHEN)
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[x] You study even when you dont have to
[ ] You have hand washed a car before

[x] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[x] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need (SOB)
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[ ] You can type pretty quick

[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party (L)
[x] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job (discrimination)
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[x] You have been to the beach
[x] You use the internet every day
[x] You have been outside of the S'pore 3 or more times
[ ] You make your bed in the morning

***Repost this with the subject as: I'm (how old you are) but I act (what you got on the test)***the number of people you have to tag is the number you got on the test

Happy B'day to Sarah and Giogi!

I watched HSM3... again... yesterday...
I was cryin... again...
Like I've said to Sarah, is there any wrong in havin an obsession?

Saturday, April 18, 2009

'Hope you don't meet Buffy'

You know what?
Algebra confuses me.

Anyways, I'd like to clear this up, my lips were blue becoz of ice cream, ICE CREAM! Not monster sweet, not some weird lip disease... Limited Edition Ice Cream, kz? Sheesh!

And I guess you all know I was totally unhappy wit my 听写results... I deproved by 1 mark, becoz I spotted a mistake which cost me 1 mark... *sigh*... Ee Ning called me stupid, but I thought that was the right thing to do. If I see my results, knowin thats not the mark I deserve, I'll be so guilty... And the guilt will eat me alive... But really, 1 mark or honesty? Make ur decision, I've made mine.

I'm tryin out a new folder... I haven't been fully usin my old one.
I'll try to work out a system to help me be organised so I won't misplace anymore important hw or wateva...

Speakin of watEVA, I snuck a peek at Ee Ning's book- Ways to Live Forever... And I saw this cute list of ways to live forever.
-Find a girl named Eva and make her your GF(or something), so even if you can't live forever, you can live for Eva(foreva).
-Become a vampire. HOPE YOU DON'T MEET BUFFY.
Bwahahaha! Buffy! Oh pls! Buffy is a fictional character, vampires on the other hand... ;D

I've been slackin the past week... I'm tryin to make up for it, but its not workin out well... :( Why is it so hard for me to have self-control?!!? Gah.

BTW, GAH is like the new YOSH. Though I'm still usin YOSH NE!

P.S Is typin in this format easier for u to see? Coz I dun reali use double space, so its more diff to see paragraphs.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Sarah Chew-chew ML- OMGosh! GAH! GAH! How... dare you?!!? How dare you... post unglam pics of moi?!!? How dare you?!!? I will take candid shots of you and post them up... MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

Peace, yo!
Gangsta Sim


I shall post later.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Over- reacting

I missed it. I missed HSM3, which was the first ever HSM movie to be nomintaed, winnin...
My dad is kinda pissed off, but my steam is simmerin...
Am I over-reactin?


I've realised somethin...
Food kills anger.
I'll be angry as soon as I'm fed.

Unfairness in my life

WTH, ok, WTH...
U noe 2day is the KIDS' CHOICE AWARDS 2009 rite? The first broadcast in Asia? But today, my dad said we have to go to pray for my passed grandfather on his side just yesterday(but I was listenin to music)... So only informed today, I was totally spazzin out, coz I was most likely gonna miss it. But he assured me that we would be back in time since they were goin to be there at 10.30 and the KCA was at 12.30... and a damned phone call was recieved and guess what? Oh no, they delayed it and it was goin to be at 11.30... WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL OK, WHAT THE FREAKIN HELL. This is unjust and wrong... I planned the to watch the KCA for weeks, WEEKS! And now... this. I hate it, ok? Why do I have to be the one to pls everyone while no ones there to pls me?!!? And I'll bet my gma forgot my bdae, coz she hasn't given me my red packet yet and my bdae was like 2 days ago... I will remai stinky-faced throughout the whole thin(except for when I'm prayin and when I tlk to Celine) and my dad would obviously get mad, but who cares? I should be madder!
Tis is due to bad plannin, not my prob. Its theirs. I deserve the right to have free expression of my displeasure.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dedicated to MadiWillow and JolieMarie

I'm cryin again...
Partly becoz of HSM... no, I'm not watchin HSM3 again... or any of the movies in fact...
I'm rereadin some of my favourite HSM fanfics... and I see so many of my fav writers losin interest in HSM and not writing anymore... MadiWillow(written FORGET YESTERDAY) and JolieMarie(-SHOT QUEEN)... so sad... they were the nice ones, though... the ones that gave an official goodbye... They've written some incredible Troyella, but in the end...
I'm overwhelmed by the sadness of this... What if one day, I become like them? I lose interest in HSM... and I say goodbye to fanfiction... for good?
And then it makes me wonder in the future, when I grow up, even if with reluctance, will I still be the same as I am now? I'm scared of what the future holds... and if you think this is just abt not lovin somethin anymore, then you're wrong... Its like losin a part of u... and when u look back, you'll go, "back in the good ol' days"... And that's when you realise that you've grown up and grown out of a part of you and moved on to bigger things...
What if one day, I cringe at the sound of HSM and twist my face up in disgust at Twilight?!!? Admit it, no matter how irritatin this love of mine seems, its a part of me... and without this obsession, I will be just... any other girl...
I've decided to revisit the older fave fanfics of mine and read them all again, and fall deeper in love with HSM... And work on a new HSM fanfic...
Becoz no matter how hard you run, these old loves catch up with you and drag you back, either you follow or forget.
I choose follow.

Grey badge LD blog

So I'm officially 13 now... And to tell you the truth, I think I've matured a teeny weeny bit!
I dun have any examples, but I do feel like I'm smarter and more responsible now... Woah... I'm so awesome...
BTW, the Grey Badge LD blog is up, so you'd beta be checkin or I'll be hackin your little neck so go and check... it out... OK, I liked my first one beta!
GO, shoo!
It's in my links.

Friday, April 10, 2009


Jabberwocky by Lewis Caroll
`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

Wait... oops! Its my bdae!
Sing me a bdae song!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Almost 13

OK, I totally LD(ians)!!!
They gave me an awesome bdae! With a cake and everythin! Even Ms Praba gave me choco! ^w^! YAY! Awesome-ness!
Thanks to everybody in Sec One LD and some other kind souls who wished me a happy bdae(Although I didn't noe how they knew)... I love all 18 of u! Each of u are special and made for LD! I love u all so much and u guys can bug me as much as u want abt ur bdae! Sry if I seemed un-responsive... Giogi dragged me to run to her class and back in like 5 secs and I barely had enough air to breathe(runnin is not my thing)... and Kat wanted to go "toilet" but in the end, it never happened becoz YY sandg in her loudest voice- Happy Birthday so I was totally shell shocked. I remember YY sayin we'll help u celebrate instead of I, so I 'm shmarticle!
Thanks also to my classmates who sang for me and Stephanie(maybe unwillingly), but still nice!You are all in pitch. And I love post-its!
And thanks Ee Ning for super-shit. I shall treasure it for the rest of my life. :D
I like nice smellin bread. :D
~Almost-bdae princess Sim

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I get to sing, nobody can stop me! LALA!

Its gonna b my bdae!
So... Ee Ning has been yellin at me to shut up and stop singin Hoedown Throwdown and High School Musical(I only sing the last line of the song:'HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL!') so since 2moro is my sorta unofficial official bdae at sch(since April 10 is Gd Fri), so I get to sing as much as I want! And also, I'm pray hopin that YY will not embarass me infront of LD... This is not a statement. This is a threat... she'd beta not, or else...
Also, 2moro is also Stephanie's bdae!(SHOUT OUT!) so since we're the bdae princesses, we get to do wateva we want(I'll have to explain this concept to her)...
I still remember my last bdae... De and Shu got me hair products(thanks!)... how sincere! Thtas wat I wanted! And now the remainants of the cream/ lotion are mouldin away in my bathroom cabinet. :D Seriously, I'd rather it be sentimental than anythin else... I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, so as long as I can tell that u've put in effort in ur pressie, I'll put in more effort for ur pressie! I mean, its true wat they say, what goes around, comes around... If u're a gd fren, I'll be one too!
Thanks so much to everyone who's ever given me the best gift of all- your truest bluest frenship!
And shout out to my fave LD peeps- Sam, Chelsea and Giogi! You guys are awesome!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Back to the Basics

You noe wat, the Earth revolves around the Sun, not the other way round.
Some ppl dunno their science.

OMGosh! My angel AND mortal are so AWESOME! My Angel(unknown) likes HSM! NO way! I do too! I think its fated that we became angel & mortal!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


SARAH;D rox.
Shes so awesomesauce!
And shes writin me a poem for my bdae!
See? Sentimental value.
To Yong Yi: Remember, sentiMENTAL value. *wink wink*


Accordin to my Pri Choir senior- was supposed to 'enlighten' me. Go there to be enlightened.
Now I'll have to burn my eyeballs.
And yes, Carolyn- he does look like a duck.

So, my birthday...
I dun want gifts from my ppl(except for Ee Ning; you HAVE to give moi)... Just cards will do! I mean even if ur drawling is suckish, as long as u put in effort, its fine! And I want a wordy card.
And if u reali wanna give me a treat, do somethin nice for me... like learn the HOEDOWN THROWDOWN for me(and the lyrics) and perform it for me- no mistakes, no foolin around. (how to dance) (music+lyrics)
Or maybe *ahemSarahahem* write me a nice poem- something looooong. Umm... you can also do some nice things for me... like a nice(emphasis on nice- NO RUBBISH EE NING!)... Maybe a watrecolour painting... Or, for my BFFs- a nice looooooooooong phone call.
If u insist on presents, then I suggest that you dun buy anything HSM or TWILIGHT related, coz I'll probably have it already... except for the Twilight Saga Guide. Craft materials- can do. A new pencilcase that's bigger than my current one. Something for my phone... A new book(make sure I dun have it already)...

Other news...
Ee Ning and Gen think its funny.
And if u do go... video urself.

I'm currently re-readin BD.
I know I'm obsessed.

加油 NZ! My heart is wit you.
My heart is wit everybody.

You'd beta b linkin
I'll b thinkin
Of ways to be killin
If u ain't willin

Friday, April 3, 2009


Why such a difficult poem?!!?
Why racial harmony IN S'PORE?!!?
Why must the two other authors be from a SEA country?!!?
*emos quiety*
Should I change to Christmas? Or CNY(pls no)?
*pictures A1 for Lit flyin off*
... ...
So next week...
No, seriously... its more important than that...
No, wait... I think its somethin bigger than that...
Ooops... gtg.
Save me.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Speed of Dark?

My ANGEL wrote to me!
Happy happy ducky...
And today, in physics, I asked Mr Lin wat the speed of the dark was, since no one actually wanted to tell me. I really wanted to noe. He said there was no such thing.
I'd assume that the speed of dark is the same as the speed of light.
I'm such a genius!