Saturday, January 24, 2009

Who are you? Quiz

Who are you?
1) First of all, how old are you?
Twelve years 10 months and somethin days
2) Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yes... I still wanna b me, but I'm gonna b a VAMPIRE, so...
3) Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Blind... I wanna enjoy music and I dun wanna judge ppl by their looks.
4) If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do?
Make sure she's not "attracted 2 me" then go on bein besties(I mean what can u do rite?)
5) Do you consider yourself a good listener?
To ppl who hv probs and consult me: YES. To teachers/parents: NO. To myself: NEUTRAL(sp?)
6) Would you rather be short or tall?
Hellooo? Does the word GIRAFFE make any sense to you?
7) Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and happy?
Rich and happy... I mean seriously! At least I'm still happy! Sry... kinda shallow.
8)Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good?
9) Do you like to dance?
Yes, in my room, with nb there and the music turned up.
10) Are you shy to ask someone out?
Yes. But I dun wanna ask anybody out rite now...
11) Do you like to talk on the phone?
Um... YEAH! duh...
12) Would you rather go on a walk or watch TV?
13) What’s your dream honeymoon place?
DISNEYLAND in USA(or somewhere fun)
14) What would be the first thing you’d change about yourself?
I wanna b a little bit more kind.
15) Do you think boys or girls have it easier?
16) If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine, where would you go?
Either back to my past so I can relive the best moments with my BFFs or go to the future and see what I've become and try to make my life better.
17) If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
First I'll go to Mac's or KFC to eat my fill, then I'll steal my own wallet from my mum(not my mum's wallet... MINE! It's locked in sum drawer) and spend spend spend(and maybe freak out the cashier a little bit). Then I would go hv lunch somewhere cool and visit the ktchen to see what goes on behind the cool hingey doors. Afterwards I'll buy everything that has to do with HSM AND TWILIGHT and sashay into movie theatre and take a seat, if I get bored I'll just walk out and enter another movie theatre. Then I'll walk along a crowded place and make funny noises and prank ppl I dun like. Then I'll buy bubble tea to drink. I'll go to the money changer and change some S$ into US$ coz I like touchin money from USA and I'll change it back when I wanna go shoppin again. I'll go to Denise's house to play her PSP and hv dinner. I'll stay up all nite doin somethin fun then at the stroke of midnite, I become visible again.
18) Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok [or any other brand]?
Not reali... as long as it's not made in China.
19) If you could change your name, what would it be?
Starine Savanna Crown. DUH!
20) If you were in a theater and someone was crying, would you laugh?
I'll probablyb cryin 2.
21) Have you ever thought you were going to die?
All the time. I think I'll die coz while I'm laughin, I fall and hit my head and die. It's a happy but retarded way to go.
Ee Ning took the test so I'll do it too!
I might b creatin one myself but not now...
Playin facebook(ADD ME!)... I'll update u all on the CNY celebrations later... but it's my duty to inform u on the almost-confirmed upcoming renovations for my site...NO I'M NOT CHANGIN SKIN!
I'll probably add a profile to my sidebar and maybe a 'DIGGIN IT'/ 'VIDS WORTH BUFFERIN' column... I might set up a blog for Scribbles Produtions and Sim Studi☆s... and I'll link more ppl... so yea... Ooo and after the reinvent myself poll, there'll probably b a new 1- what description should my blog hv... LOOK OUT FOR THAT!
Ooops! GTG!
A poem for ppl who haven't voted:
Know me or not,
You'd better start voting
Or you'll get shot!

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