Thursday, January 22, 2009

LD vs Choir + I'M MONITOR?!!?

Yos ppl!
K, so just wanna publically proclaim that I'm reali thankful 2 all my frens/ BFs/ BFFs who encouraged and supported me(sry I left ur name out... oh u noe I love you!): BFFs~ Gloria, Denise(d'you get into Theatre?), ANGIE(sry I kept on 4gettin to bring Fall in Love like a Comic 2), Shuning, Shannon, NZ, Rachel, Jobo(miss ur stampedes), Fat Pig and Drama Queen(yay!) and the rest of 6PURITY 08 who's helped me become more drama. To my cousin CELINE- Sry I haven't called u bck but thanks for listenin to me mope around my room. To all of 1PURITY09 who's reassured me tat I'll get in and listen to me recite the monologue like a million times a day and then tryin to block out my happy-singin of my own composition- Sim Got Into LD, includin VA, Sarah, Zhen Yi(HSM 4ever!), Jolene(I can't believe u robbed me of my rightful role as Drama rep), Genevive, Lyn Fei(How can RGYM reject u? I'll help u plot), and the others(sry 2 lazy to type everybody). To my PSLs- Hillary and Elissa who totally cheer me up wit ur energy and let me yap yap yap at u. To girls who's names I dun noe yet walked up to me and asked what CCA I got in- thanks a lot and sry I didn't get into ur CCA... Esp to all my seniors in CHOIR! I STILL LOVE U ALL!To everybody who's dissappointed my reaction was not as eccentric/ spontaneous as u expected, I love u all!
Next... I dun noe if u noe this... but I got voted as class monitor.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ha.
U may join in.
When I told my other 6P frens, they were either incredulous or thought I was pullin some kind of sick joke. I was not.
*sigh* So wat now? Have to be so attentive(I have the attention span of a piece of paper) and get sore throat... How can I sing my song if I get sore throat?!!?
So yea... this sucks, but that's life. I should've attempted to become a vampire when I had the chance.
Oh, wait... I remember somethin... I've not said this 4 like a year now:
HSM and TWILIGHT ROCK! Whooooooooo!
Ahem... so in relation to the title of this entry, did I make a mistake? Should I've put choir as 1st? ...Nah! But I still miss choir... that warmth of a gigantic family(fine I dun noe all the choir angels but I noe some...)... After all I am an only child hu wants 2 older bros and 2 older sis... I love them both... so... I still had to go with my gut... Rite? Rite. Rite? If I had put choir as 1st... I'd probably b in Girl Guides... not that I dun like girl guides... but I dun noe... I dun think I can convince all my seniors to quit choir and join LD for me... so, no regret... But still...
(replyin to myself) OK!
And I find this immensly funny... Ee Ning gointo St John's... Bwahahaha! After she got attacked by the St John's ppl(long story short- she was greedy coz she wanted more stickers than me ad asked for more St Jon's stickers. They gave her like 100 coz they thought she like St John's and she got approached by another group of St Jonh's who saw the many St John's stickers on the top half of her pinafore so they attacked her wit stickers thinkin she like St John's. This also happened with the next group. So becoz she felt guilt that she was wastin the St John's stickers even though she didn't like them at all, she put St John's under uniform group under 6th choice... and got in.) So haha! But on a serious note... It's funny! Karma(rite?) But that's where u r fated to be so, u can't make urself hate St John's without a gd excuse...
Dramatically yours,
P.S Tell me what CCA u r in.
P.P.S Vote vote vote!
P.P.P.S Stop votin me to b a nerd!
P.P.P.P.S HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! I'm tryin to come up wit a plan to get the most $$$.

1 comment:


yay u!!!!!!! u got in LD!!!! congratzzzzz. u use 2 be in choir?? din expect tt! but NEways u got in ur long life dream! btw i voted u 2 be mysterious, lol. since u put there tell u my cca i got in hockey, my 1st choice, yays! actually kristel tell me 1 cos i MC...
