Saturday, January 31, 2009

Procrastinatin leads to randomness... kinda

Helo ppl...
Spent, like, the whole morning linkin ppl... if I missed u out, comment me ur url. Sooooooo tired...
I WENT TO CHINGAY YESTERDAY!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO! It was nicey-nice. Although the mc was lame... coz he tried to get everybody high by doin the 'Chingay wave' (my parents were lame and did the wave stiffly) to cheer C. H. I. N. G. A. Y. CHINGAY! The mood was totally spoilt becoz the guy sittin next to me(he was like a teenager) was cheerin and singin in a deep/ girly voice to amuse his girlfren... so lame... His shoes were U. G. L. Y. Hope the get married and then divorced... muahahaha! Anyways, the floats were nice... ok, fine, some were horible(like the last 1... had no clue wat it was supposed to b) but the performance was great! For one performance, they used HSM3 song!!!! Now Or Never and I Want It All... I was silently 'yes'ing... until I saw the performer's costume and dance... 3 words: HI. DE. OUS. At least they music was gd! I liked the Korean performance. They had little karate-doin kids! So kawaii! They used S Club 7 songs! Silently 'yes'ing again. The finale's performance was messy,had no idea wat they were doin... I get that it was supposed to b like a magic show, but... the trickes were lame. I knew all their secrets. The final magic act was awesome. The guy was supposed to stand the heat of the fire set on him for a minute... he yelled for help after half a minute and they found that he'd vanish... OOOOoooo! Then he heroically stood at the top f the building and slid down from the top wit a harness attached to a chord(I was wonderin what it was 4). I liked that one.
OK, I understand that I owe u ppl a detailed description of wat happened durin CNY and CNY celebrations... I'm lazy... so wat? Go on and judge me.
Not a lot of red packets this year... economy is gettin worse... or maybe S'poreans r gettin stingy-er. *shakes head and sighs* Earned my first $$$ for bein a shuffler!!! Yay! My first unofficial official job! I'm so hard-workin!
KK, signin out soon... o, here's another quiz and another... gonna create on soon!

What's your name?
Sim Wee

Who's your best friend?
Angie, De, Glor, NZ, Shu, Shan, Rach, Jobo, Fats, Drama, Ce and loads of other ppl.

Have you ever wanted to watch a NC 16 movie?
Yes... I bought 1 on dvd.

Why are the movies that you want to watch rated NC 16?
Violence(oh please) and romance(oh please) and sum u-noe-wat(sick).

Have you flirted with someone in/above their twenties?
I n case u dun noe, I dun reali flirt....

Do you ever put people down just to feel better?
No... I not so mean...

Do you consider yourself emotional?
Kinda... o_O

What do you usually cry about?
Mum's injustices, sad/ happy stuff, and movies/ shows.

Would you tell the world your deepest secret for a $500,000?
Well... I dun reali hv a secret, but if I do then probably no.

Pierce your nose or your tongue?

Stay up late or wake up late?
Stay up late, wake up at 8.

Hugs or kisses?
Hugs... duh. Coz hugs r a universal language for 'I love u, BFF!' and 'Don't worry' and anythin else gd while kisses could mean 'I love u BF!' or 'I love you, BFF' or 'Hi! I'm sick! Nice to see u again!'

Hard cover books or soft cover books?
Hard cover, duh!

Sandals or sneakers?

What’s the hardest thing about growing up?
Not bein a kid and leavin all ur childhood memories and frens behind.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Would you ever?
Ewwww... no.

What little unknown talents do you possess?
I hv many little talents, like I can recite the 50 states of America by ABCs and I can speed-stack. And I...

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?
Ewwww... no.

If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do?
Hang out wit frens and go shoppin for everythin I want wit unlimited amount of $$$.

What’s the worst word(s) you know?
F. And of course, ' HSM and TWILIGHT suck'. Uh! HSM and TWILIGHT do not suck!

If there would be one thing about yourself that you could change,what would it be?
Be a bit kinder.

Have you ever wanted to run away? Run where?

What’s your worst fear?
Amphibians, insects, some repltiles, creepy stuff, scary stuff, book-abuse...

What is your dream car?
Um... somethin blue... or maybe a TWILIGHT car. I dunno.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yes, like a million of them dominate 80% of my bed.

Have you ever felt you were in love?
Yes... HSM and TWILIGHT will forever remain in my heart!

If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be?
OOOooo difficult! All my besties. Don't talk back! I said ALL my besties! That's final!

What is your favorite color?
Blue, pink, purple, rainbow...

What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else?
Um... not particularly... Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the rest of the Cullens. Or all the Wildcats in HSM.

If you could be any animal what would you be?

What is your favorite gum?
Bubblegum. I blow a mighty bubble!

Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork?
No! That's retarded!

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Uh... I like dun eat veggies!

If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it be?

KK, and speakin of books and sick, I'm readin Gossip Girl! Sick, I noe. But I trust Denise's taste, coz her taste is almost the same as mine. Almost.
Stay tuned!
You noe u loathe me,

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