Saturday, January 31, 2009

Procrastinatin leads to randomness... kinda

Helo ppl...
Spent, like, the whole morning linkin ppl... if I missed u out, comment me ur url. Sooooooo tired...
I WENT TO CHINGAY YESTERDAY!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO! It was nicey-nice. Although the mc was lame... coz he tried to get everybody high by doin the 'Chingay wave' (my parents were lame and did the wave stiffly) to cheer C. H. I. N. G. A. Y. CHINGAY! The mood was totally spoilt becoz the guy sittin next to me(he was like a teenager) was cheerin and singin in a deep/ girly voice to amuse his girlfren... so lame... His shoes were U. G. L. Y. Hope the get married and then divorced... muahahaha! Anyways, the floats were nice... ok, fine, some were horible(like the last 1... had no clue wat it was supposed to b) but the performance was great! For one performance, they used HSM3 song!!!! Now Or Never and I Want It All... I was silently 'yes'ing... until I saw the performer's costume and dance... 3 words: HI. DE. OUS. At least they music was gd! I liked the Korean performance. They had little karate-doin kids! So kawaii! They used S Club 7 songs! Silently 'yes'ing again. The finale's performance was messy,had no idea wat they were doin... I get that it was supposed to b like a magic show, but... the trickes were lame. I knew all their secrets. The final magic act was awesome. The guy was supposed to stand the heat of the fire set on him for a minute... he yelled for help after half a minute and they found that he'd vanish... OOOOoooo! Then he heroically stood at the top f the building and slid down from the top wit a harness attached to a chord(I was wonderin what it was 4). I liked that one.
OK, I understand that I owe u ppl a detailed description of wat happened durin CNY and CNY celebrations... I'm lazy... so wat? Go on and judge me.
Not a lot of red packets this year... economy is gettin worse... or maybe S'poreans r gettin stingy-er. *shakes head and sighs* Earned my first $$$ for bein a shuffler!!! Yay! My first unofficial official job! I'm so hard-workin!
KK, signin out soon... o, here's another quiz and another... gonna create on soon!

What's your name?
Sim Wee

Who's your best friend?
Angie, De, Glor, NZ, Shu, Shan, Rach, Jobo, Fats, Drama, Ce and loads of other ppl.

Have you ever wanted to watch a NC 16 movie?
Yes... I bought 1 on dvd.

Why are the movies that you want to watch rated NC 16?
Violence(oh please) and romance(oh please) and sum u-noe-wat(sick).

Have you flirted with someone in/above their twenties?
I n case u dun noe, I dun reali flirt....

Do you ever put people down just to feel better?
No... I not so mean...

Do you consider yourself emotional?
Kinda... o_O

What do you usually cry about?
Mum's injustices, sad/ happy stuff, and movies/ shows.

Would you tell the world your deepest secret for a $500,000?
Well... I dun reali hv a secret, but if I do then probably no.

Pierce your nose or your tongue?

Stay up late or wake up late?
Stay up late, wake up at 8.

Hugs or kisses?
Hugs... duh. Coz hugs r a universal language for 'I love u, BFF!' and 'Don't worry' and anythin else gd while kisses could mean 'I love u BF!' or 'I love you, BFF' or 'Hi! I'm sick! Nice to see u again!'

Hard cover books or soft cover books?
Hard cover, duh!

Sandals or sneakers?

What’s the hardest thing about growing up?
Not bein a kid and leavin all ur childhood memories and frens behind.

Have you ever gone skinny dipping? Would you ever?
Ewwww... no.

What little unknown talents do you possess?
I hv many little talents, like I can recite the 50 states of America by ABCs and I can speed-stack. And I...

Would you eat a bowl of live crickets for $40,000?
Ewwww... no.

If this Saturday, you could do ANYTHING you wanted, what would you do?
Hang out wit frens and go shoppin for everythin I want wit unlimited amount of $$$.

What’s the worst word(s) you know?
F. And of course, ' HSM and TWILIGHT suck'. Uh! HSM and TWILIGHT do not suck!

If there would be one thing about yourself that you could change,what would it be?
Be a bit kinder.

Have you ever wanted to run away? Run where?

What’s your worst fear?
Amphibians, insects, some repltiles, creepy stuff, scary stuff, book-abuse...

What is your dream car?
Um... somethin blue... or maybe a TWILIGHT car. I dunno.

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?
Yes, like a million of them dominate 80% of my bed.

Have you ever felt you were in love?
Yes... HSM and TWILIGHT will forever remain in my heart!

If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be?
OOOooo difficult! All my besties. Don't talk back! I said ALL my besties! That's final!

What is your favorite color?
Blue, pink, purple, rainbow...

What guy/girl do you want more than anyone else?
Um... not particularly... Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the rest of the Cullens. Or all the Wildcats in HSM.

If you could be any animal what would you be?

What is your favorite gum?
Bubblegum. I blow a mighty bubble!

Do you eat chicken fingers with a fork?
No! That's retarded!

Do you eat the stems of broccoli?
Uh... I like dun eat veggies!

If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it be?

KK, and speakin of books and sick, I'm readin Gossip Girl! Sick, I noe. But I trust Denise's taste, coz her taste is almost the same as mine. Almost.
Stay tuned!
You noe u loathe me,

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Who are you? Quiz

Who are you?
1) First of all, how old are you?
Twelve years 10 months and somethin days
2) Do you believe in reincarnation?
Yes... I still wanna b me, but I'm gonna b a VAMPIRE, so...
3) Would you rather be deaf or blind?
Blind... I wanna enjoy music and I dun wanna judge ppl by their looks.
4) If you found out your best friend was gay/lesbian, what would you do?
Make sure she's not "attracted 2 me" then go on bein besties(I mean what can u do rite?)
5) Do you consider yourself a good listener?
To ppl who hv probs and consult me: YES. To teachers/parents: NO. To myself: NEUTRAL(sp?)
6) Would you rather be short or tall?
Hellooo? Does the word GIRAFFE make any sense to you?
7) Would you rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and happy?
Rich and happy... I mean seriously! At least I'm still happy! Sry... kinda shallow.
8)Would you consider your relationship with your parents bad, okay, good?
9) Do you like to dance?
Yes, in my room, with nb there and the music turned up.
10) Are you shy to ask someone out?
Yes. But I dun wanna ask anybody out rite now...
11) Do you like to talk on the phone?
Um... YEAH! duh...
12) Would you rather go on a walk or watch TV?
13) What’s your dream honeymoon place?
DISNEYLAND in USA(or somewhere fun)
14) What would be the first thing you’d change about yourself?
I wanna b a little bit more kind.
15) Do you think boys or girls have it easier?
16) If you had a round-trip ride in any time machine, where would you go?
Either back to my past so I can relive the best moments with my BFFs or go to the future and see what I've become and try to make my life better.
17) If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
First I'll go to Mac's or KFC to eat my fill, then I'll steal my own wallet from my mum(not my mum's wallet... MINE! It's locked in sum drawer) and spend spend spend(and maybe freak out the cashier a little bit). Then I would go hv lunch somewhere cool and visit the ktchen to see what goes on behind the cool hingey doors. Afterwards I'll buy everything that has to do with HSM AND TWILIGHT and sashay into movie theatre and take a seat, if I get bored I'll just walk out and enter another movie theatre. Then I'll walk along a crowded place and make funny noises and prank ppl I dun like. Then I'll buy bubble tea to drink. I'll go to the money changer and change some S$ into US$ coz I like touchin money from USA and I'll change it back when I wanna go shoppin again. I'll go to Denise's house to play her PSP and hv dinner. I'll stay up all nite doin somethin fun then at the stroke of midnite, I become visible again.
18) Do you like Adidas, Nike, Fila, or Reebok [or any other brand]?
Not reali... as long as it's not made in China.
19) If you could change your name, what would it be?
Starine Savanna Crown. DUH!
20) If you were in a theater and someone was crying, would you laugh?
I'll probablyb cryin 2.
21) Have you ever thought you were going to die?
All the time. I think I'll die coz while I'm laughin, I fall and hit my head and die. It's a happy but retarded way to go.
Ee Ning took the test so I'll do it too!
I might b creatin one myself but not now...
Playin facebook(ADD ME!)... I'll update u all on the CNY celebrations later... but it's my duty to inform u on the almost-confirmed upcoming renovations for my site...NO I'M NOT CHANGIN SKIN!
I'll probably add a profile to my sidebar and maybe a 'DIGGIN IT'/ 'VIDS WORTH BUFFERIN' column... I might set up a blog for Scribbles Produtions and Sim Studi☆s... and I'll link more ppl... so yea... Ooo and after the reinvent myself poll, there'll probably b a new 1- what description should my blog hv... LOOK OUT FOR THAT!
Ooops! GTG!
A poem for ppl who haven't voted:
Know me or not,
You'd better start voting
Or you'll get shot!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

LD vs Choir + I'M MONITOR?!!?

Yos ppl!
K, so just wanna publically proclaim that I'm reali thankful 2 all my frens/ BFs/ BFFs who encouraged and supported me(sry I left ur name out... oh u noe I love you!): BFFs~ Gloria, Denise(d'you get into Theatre?), ANGIE(sry I kept on 4gettin to bring Fall in Love like a Comic 2), Shuning, Shannon, NZ, Rachel, Jobo(miss ur stampedes), Fat Pig and Drama Queen(yay!) and the rest of 6PURITY 08 who's helped me become more drama. To my cousin CELINE- Sry I haven't called u bck but thanks for listenin to me mope around my room. To all of 1PURITY09 who's reassured me tat I'll get in and listen to me recite the monologue like a million times a day and then tryin to block out my happy-singin of my own composition- Sim Got Into LD, includin VA, Sarah, Zhen Yi(HSM 4ever!), Jolene(I can't believe u robbed me of my rightful role as Drama rep), Genevive, Lyn Fei(How can RGYM reject u? I'll help u plot), and the others(sry 2 lazy to type everybody). To my PSLs- Hillary and Elissa who totally cheer me up wit ur energy and let me yap yap yap at u. To girls who's names I dun noe yet walked up to me and asked what CCA I got in- thanks a lot and sry I didn't get into ur CCA... Esp to all my seniors in CHOIR! I STILL LOVE U ALL!To everybody who's dissappointed my reaction was not as eccentric/ spontaneous as u expected, I love u all!
Next... I dun noe if u noe this... but I got voted as class monitor.
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha. Hahaha. Haha. Ha.
U may join in.
When I told my other 6P frens, they were either incredulous or thought I was pullin some kind of sick joke. I was not.
*sigh* So wat now? Have to be so attentive(I have the attention span of a piece of paper) and get sore throat... How can I sing my song if I get sore throat?!!?
So yea... this sucks, but that's life. I should've attempted to become a vampire when I had the chance.
Oh, wait... I remember somethin... I've not said this 4 like a year now:
HSM and TWILIGHT ROCK! Whooooooooo!
Ahem... so in relation to the title of this entry, did I make a mistake? Should I've put choir as 1st? ...Nah! But I still miss choir... that warmth of a gigantic family(fine I dun noe all the choir angels but I noe some...)... After all I am an only child hu wants 2 older bros and 2 older sis... I love them both... so... I still had to go with my gut... Rite? Rite. Rite? If I had put choir as 1st... I'd probably b in Girl Guides... not that I dun like girl guides... but I dun noe... I dun think I can convince all my seniors to quit choir and join LD for me... so, no regret... But still...
(replyin to myself) OK!
And I find this immensly funny... Ee Ning gointo St John's... Bwahahaha! After she got attacked by the St John's ppl(long story short- she was greedy coz she wanted more stickers than me ad asked for more St Jon's stickers. They gave her like 100 coz they thought she like St John's and she got approached by another group of St Jonh's who saw the many St John's stickers on the top half of her pinafore so they attacked her wit stickers thinkin she like St John's. This also happened with the next group. So becoz she felt guilt that she was wastin the St John's stickers even though she didn't like them at all, she put St John's under uniform group under 6th choice... and got in.) So haha! But on a serious note... It's funny! Karma(rite?) But that's where u r fated to be so, u can't make urself hate St John's without a gd excuse...
Dramatically yours,
P.S Tell me what CCA u r in.
P.P.S Vote vote vote!
P.P.P.S Stop votin me to b a nerd!
P.P.P.P.S HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR! I'm tryin to come up wit a plan to get the most $$$.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


(sry it's gonna b short)
Can u guess wat I got into?
That's rite! GREEN CLUB! Yay, go GREEN!
JK... I got into Girl Guides...
Haha! JK again! I got into gym...
Hahaha! For real this time: ELDDS!
So yea... when I walked up to the teacher, my heart was gonna crush my ribs... my breathin was ragged...
When my teacher showed me the results I tried to control my emotions and be all: "GIRL GUIDES?!!?" To make ppl confused, but alas... no. I screamed up n down like a crazy monkey and almost cried(out of joy).
And we had to wait 4 our teacher coz she wold not give us the results before recess, so durin recess, seniors(who's names I dun noe) were like, "Sim Wee!" So I was like, "What? Who called me." And they like squeezed my CCA results frm me... so I had to admit that my 'cher hasn't given out the results... dissappointment!
Blog soon!
~New member of LD!

Saturday, January 17, 2009


LD audi... I dunno...
Drama Queen said I was great... and better then her(SHUT UP YY!)... probably out of niceness.
Cool LD senior has no comment...
LD girl I tried to hug wants to add pain to my misery...(;D)
PSL Hillary says I'll b ok...
PSL Elissa says I'm worryin over nothing...
BFFs says I'll get in(even though most of them hv never seen me perform it)...
... *sigh*
(back to perky self) So! A LOT of u r wonderin how I would react if I didn't/get in ELDDS... So heere's a rough guide to what might happen...
(start of the day)
Me:WHAAAAAAAAAT?!!? GIRL GUIDES?(FYI girl guides rock...if I do get in, I learn how to build stuff with a hammer and hunt for wild animals to eat in the forest and cook them over a charcoal fire thing) I DIDN'T GET INTO LD! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Random classmate no.40(we only hv like 38 students in our class): What's goin on? What r u screamin about?
Me: (repeats)
Random classmate no.40: O... I see...
(runs over to 1J to tell Drama Queen and Angie who miraculously came to sch early) Both of them: WHAT?!!? R u serious? It must b a mistake...
(cryin) Me: No! It's not I million-checked... I'm not in LD.
(tryin to comfort) Both: It's ok! Audition again-
(cuts them off) Me: I hate the world!
(five seconds later) Me: Wait... (realises that I'm hatin the wrong thing) I don't hate the world! I hate auditions...
(twenty seconds later) Me: Wait... (realises I'm hatin the wrong thing again) I hate Drama/ Theatre/ Acting!
(a minute later and still whinin) Me: Wait... (realises I'm hatin the wrong thing again again) I don't hate either of them... I hate SNGELDDS!
(storms off towards class)
(DQ and Angie kinda stunned) To each other: So... wanna go to Mac's later?
Afterwards, during assembly, while the ppl r prayin, I yell: Life's unfair! I hate everybody!
I get dragged away, screamin and kickin ppl's shins.
In class, I hv a bad attitude, like when teacher asks me a ques., I reply: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
Durin recess, DQ, Angie, Fats, Nutsy, Lek Ee, Nicole, Jamine, VA and other ppl who r busybodies crowd around me, tryin to comfort me(or u all better b...) I confess the shockin truth: I don't hate LD... just the sec ones who got in LD.
By then, several "mysterious" deaths hv been reported in the sch. No comment.
I borrow Drama Queen's fully-charged cell to call Gloria/ Denise/ Shuning/ NZ/ Shannon's phone since we're all hvin recess/ cuttin class at the same time. Their reactions:
Gloria: Oh... You noe what I got for my B'day?
Denise: OMG, r u serious? I got in theatre and u didn't? How can?
Shuning: What the heck? Go and kill them all! I'll help!
NZ: It's ok! Try again next year! Sure can get in!
Shannon: (sighs) Nevermind! St Nick's LD is not even gd...
Then I call the police and try to report and DQ would grab the phone from my hands and apologise while tryin to explain the total lie: I'm sorry. My friend just got out from the metal hospital... yes, we'll send her back in... Don't worry about a thing.
Then DQ and the rest would try to prank call sb to cheer me up and I would laugh so hard I fall on the floor and start bleedin(I always thought I'd die that way) but live, coz it was only my knee.
Afterwards, they'll get a wheelchair from the infirmary and push me around in it. But DQ would not touch it(if u dun get it, nvrmind)
When we get bck into class, my mood'll improve and I'll ans the ques. asked by the teachers to the best of my ability... Teacher: What is 1+2? Me: --+++-+10002939489.
After sch, I'll tell my mum and my mum would scold me: Why did you even love drama in the first place! I told you many times, you will never suceed.
In the evening, my cousin Celine would call and she'll help me plot the fall of SNGELDDS.
The next day at sch, all my BFFs/Fs would come to sch super early to check that I did not kill myself. I would surprise myself becoz I didn't even think of that.
A month later, I would create a Drama Rejects Clubs and we would beat crush ELDDS with our play 'How dare you reject me and throw me away?' which will be acclaimed worldwide and ELDDS will hv nothin but a few loser- ahem, I mean loyal fans while we get the fame and no fortune(c'mon, we act coz we love). A few years after that, I'll claw my way up the ladder of fame and win awards like Golden Globe, Oscar, Emmy and what not and will not thank a lot of ppl.
A few years after that, I'll retire early becoz I'm already a bajillionaire(is that a word?) and buy an island and start a exclusive island resort and ppl would hv to pay 6000++ to stay a night in the hotel/ resort.
I'll die of happiness and I'm not married. I'll go down in history as the best actress/ singer in the world.
If I do get in... I'll probably won't.
P.S Don't b dissappointed(sp?) if this all doesn't happen. This is purely just crazy talk.

Monday, January 12, 2009


Yoyoyo my peeps!
I'm bein myself(lazy)and slackin... I'm supposed to be practisin my monologue for my ELDDS(English Literacy Drama Debate Society)/ doin my English hw... but clearly I'm not... so...
Came bck frm SEC 1 ORIENTATION CAMP! It was... interestin... I suppose! I got branded as Pong Pong Leader(which by the way, is not on the list of things I wanna b) and nobody will listen to me when I tell them to call me Giraffe/ Orange/ Squashed... but 'sok I guess... everybody seems to hv forgotten so I'll let it slip. TeeHee! And we had to sleep on the HARD COLD WOODEN HARD FLAT HARD DIRTY HARD floor... I probably slept at 12-1 a.m+ and woke up at 3a.m(coz the fan sounded like a woman screamin; what? I hv an over active imagination!) and woke up(by myself! *beams*) at 5.45a.m to brush teeth. But surprisinly, I was not cranky! YAY! So for camp we had to play like games... we tried to suck up to the GAMEMASTERS with stickers and love but nooooo!(Scream out to all GAMEMASTERS: HOW COULD YOU AWARD OTHER CLASSES HIGHER POINTS AFTER ALL THE LOVE AND MASKIN TAPE STICKERS WE SHOWERED UPON YOU?) Sum other class got the prize! And we didn't get most enthu class award... *sniff* And the worst of all: THE CHINA SCHOLARS GOT TO USE THE MIKE AND FINISH THEIR WHOLE CHEER ROUTINE WITH SOME SISSY MOVES WHILE WE HAD TO BEG AND STILL NOT GET THE MIKE AND DO HALF OUR CHEER!!! I mean like what the heck?!!? So no duh they got 'Best Cheer Award'. And the cheer competition was so made for the China ppl to win, even if they didn't perform it well... And what did Sec 1 Purity get? MOST PUNCTUAL CLASS AWARD! nerdsCHEER! WHOOO! We're most punctual! We soooooo on time! But our PSLs did make it better! Shout out to all our fantastic PSLs(in ABCs): Alex, Caroline, Elissa and Hillary. They we so nice and let me blabber to them all two days long! Sry Gloria and other listen-like-walls-when-I-talk ppl, I found sb else!
Oh so for CCA fair, I was supposed to go earlier coz of ART CLASS but too bad too sad! ELDDS was our last station and I CANNOT miss that!(The things I do...)
So um today was CCA audition sign-ups and I was late for Netball auditions coz I was bein extra at the ELDDS booth... I'm so lame... but wadeva!
I noe I'm supposed to write something important but I forgot what... oh well!
BB ppl!
CYA when I CYA!
P.S Oh wait! I'm suposed to rite bout me reaction to when I fail/pass my auditions(like how I planned 4 my PSLE results day... sigh... nvrmind! I'll just let my laziness settle!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sooooo HIGH right now!

(floatin on air)
So yea... today was like hell coz I was panicking all day. Apparently, I forgot to bring all my school bks... Don't judge me.
Um...what else m I supposed to bring? I noe, I noe! You're sayin u're so forgetful Sim! But the sch diary isn't here yet, so...
But I was soooo happy for the reviews and favourites I got! I did notice though that ppl prefer romance rather then hunor...hmm.
I just called Fat Pig(I noe, u're gonna kill me) about wat 2 bring. She has about the same insights as me... O, and we've branded our lit teacher chili padi...becoz she's short and fierce. But not devillish like Mrs Khong(sniff). I miss her evil...Evil! Shuning! I miss her! How she would torment Gloria...Moose! Oh Moose! Y did u hv to go to Duman? Won't u miss me(u hv 2!) and Denise? Bimbo(jk!)! O, Denise! Nanyang! Why? Uniform! Bib! White cloth! Food! OME! Food=Vegetables! Vegetables=Ning Zhen! Wah! Y did u hv to go? Pray we get into the same JC... NJC/NUS! Which sch did u pick? St Nicks, I hope! I miss u so much! In fact I miss all of u! Boohoo!
So yea... gtg sleep(mum).
CYA at sch... wait! U dun all go to my sch!

Saturday, January 3, 2009


I know you guys r totally deprived of a looooooong and tirin, oops, I mean descriptive entry about orientation day but I reali wanna tlk about my ART CLASS!
My teacher is Mr Chia(A guy, I noe) but he is so funny! Today we learnt how to draw straight lines and circles free-handed(there's a proper way to hold a pencil when u r drawin a straight line)and how to shade...and how to sharpen a pencil with a pen knife(I think my mum was freakin out when she heard).
And guess who's in my class? Fang Qin and Yi Jing(frm 6J and 1J)! Oh and there;'s this guy in my class named'd think I'd be head over heals right? WRONG! He's soooooo annoyin! And fat! This is called insultin the perfect man and everybody in class(not juz me) wanna kill him. He is loud and irritatin. He laughs crazily(and loudly) and is lame. He tries to make us laugh(he thinks he'll be popular) but actually, we're laughin at him, not with him. He's worse than all the boys in my past art classes put together. I hope he dies a Happy Tree Friends death.
Ok, so orientation day... I actually asked a senior where the Sec 1 classrooms were, becoz I thought it would b funny and I didn't realise there was an extra part of the sch that jutted out(which were the Sec 1 n 2 classrooms). I miss all my frens that weren't wit me, but I was stong... I made it out alive! And I'm sittin next to Fat Pig and VA is sittin behind her(...). Our form teacher wants us to make 8 new frens everyday... weird... The teacher's name is Phua Eng Hua(I think), a.k.a my orientation day teacher(u noe in December). There were a few China peeps(O.o) but they didn't reali sound China-ish. Our PSLs(like helpers) were nice. I'd noe becoz I was like the only one that talked to them-
Sry, my mum's b-ing about something(again) so I'll try not to be lazy and update soon!
BB peeps!
P.S By the way, how was your first day of sch?
P.P.S Remember to comment! Just scroll down and when you see a link to my comment box, go there and do your thing!