Monday, April 26, 2010

Mama, I'm 14 now

Once upon a time when I was just a kid
You never let me do just what the older kids did
But lose that laundry list of what you won't allow
Cause mama, I'm a big girl now

Once upon a time I used to play with toys
But now I'd rather play around with teenage boys
So, if I get a hickey, please don't have a cow
Cause mama, I'm a big girl now

Ma, I gotta tell you that without a doubt
I get my best dancing lessons from you
You're the one who taught me how to "twist and shout"
Because you shout non-stop
And you're so twisted too!

Once upon a time I was a shy young thing
Could barely walk and talk so much as dance and sing
But let me hit that stage, I wanna take my bow
Cause mama, I'm a big girl now

Once upon a time I used to dress up 'Ken'
But now that I'm a woman, I like bigger men
And I don't need a Barbie doll to show me how
Cause mama, I'm a big girl now

Ma, you always taught me
What was right from wrong
And now I just wanna give it a try
Mama, I've been in the nest for far too long
So please give a push and mama watch me fly

Translation: boring

I'm such a bad girl.
This should be illegal... but... what the heck.
I know it's dead.
But I'm here to sprinkle some water of life to this wilting plant occassionally.

I can't wait for UK TRIP!

A certain annoying pig whose name starts with Ee and ends with Ning is spamming my cbox.
She is the shadow of humanity.
What a pity. :(

I'm 14!
I had a great birthday! YAY

Monday, March 22, 2010


According to many many MANY people have told me my blog is dead.
It is.
But its weird if there is a large gap between posts, but whatever.

For people who don't know me well, or are blind, GLEE IS MY NEW OBSESSION.
It is now on my wall of fame.

Also, my Term 1 PPR sucks.

And I got drenched under the pouring rain today... even though it was a short walk from school to the nearby HBD carpark.

I'm angsty right now.

Life sucks when you are stupid. :(

I think this space should be used more constructively from now on. (If I ever post again).

Let's see how many of my friends will notice this post...

Hopefully none... So I can do whatever I want in this space and no one will know!


Sunday, November 29, 2009


I haven't posted anything in a while because I've been too lazy to even attempt to try to do something. :(
My holidays have been slacked off!
I'm panicking about CIP because I have only a few hours!!!! Can anyone go CIP with me? Please?

My current favourite word is: ANTIDISESTABLISHMENTARIANISM!
Go find out what it means and I'll give you a cookie! :)

Less than 1/3 of my holiday homework is complete. :(

Friday, October 23, 2009

Drama Showcase

Today's Drama Showcase was awesome!
I enjoyed every second while I was performing.
And it's totally true- When you're onstage, you're so nervous you forget to feel nervous.
But the big question remains: WILL I GET SELECTED FOR DRAMA CLASS? And: WILL I ACCEPT IT?
It depends on who are going to be my future classmates. And even if I don't get in... well, it just means that God wants me to focus on my studies so I can achieve my targeted score next year. I will NOT cry. If I do, you have permission to smack me senseless.
Keep your fingers crossed for me...
Hopefully the people on my to-avoid list will not be in the same class as me...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

A moment of silence

It's after the review-tests and I should be happy. I'm not.
Although I did have fun during Sports Carnival...
I may seem a bit sadistic right now, but I do have my reasons.

Of all the times I read about people dealing with death, not one seemed accurate today. I just felt empty. Hollow. There was no dramatic crumpling-on-the-floor-with-tears or uncontrollable gushing of tears. Just silent and few ones. Sometimes one teardrop means even more than a million shed at one time. It depends on what the cause was.
Looking back, I feel really bad that I could cry over bad grades and stuff. It seems pointless now, but I can't guarantee I won't do it again.

Short and concise. Yes.
I'm going to attempt to revive my blog.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sloggin till I'm foggin

Tryin to revive my blog...
But due to my unsatisfactory Math test results, I'm gonna be slogging harder than ever.
So you probably won't hear from me until Week 4... :((
On the bright side... I bought more craft stuff!
And I felt this week of holidays didn't go to waste. And really proud of myself. :)
P.S HOLA is a cool word.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mount Pinatubo or Mayon?

Dying, dying, dying away!
I'm ashamed of myself for not posting... Actually... not really...
But I've just finished an awesome book I was looking for for about a month! It's called 'Beastly' by Alex Flinn... Awesomeness.
And I'm currently reading 'This Lullaby' by Sarah Dessen(she's good). I think I'm gonna finish it today.
History/ Geography project was killer. But I'm just glad that I did my best.
Now, my friends and I are wondering... IS IT MOUNT PINATUBO OR MAYON IN THE GEOG TEST?!!?

Sunday, July 5, 2009


You have been cordially invited to witness this blog post, of which is the 100TH!
Yes, this is the milestone of every blog. I can say now that my blog is not dead!!! (cue cheers) But I can't deny that it is HALF-dead... (cue boos)
Anyways, at this point of time, any blogger would ask themselves what their blog is about... Hmm... And I can safely say that my blog is simply a place(a utopia, if you will) for me to express myself and be politically wrong. Also, this blog is a dedication to my BFFs and best friends and classmates, who I mention a lot. Not to mention a place for me to crap(with style)... And a place for others to know what is going on in my life and other major stuff that's going on.
That is what every blog is about.
I can't believe all the teachers didn't even wish us a good Youth Day and/or give us something... except for Ms Chan... Wow... The cracker she gave us will forever be a reminder that we should never judge a book by it's cover, or it's synopsis at the back of the book, or the prologue, or the author... Yes. That's right.
TO ALL PEOPLE WHO GO TO BOOKSHOPS: Please help me find a book called 'Beastly' by Alex Flinn... I'm hell-bent on reading it!!!
And I finished Love, Stargirl... It was, as I would put it, spaztasticalicious. I didn't cry though. But I do strongly recommend it... Stargirl will teach you many life-long lessons.
And I can't get DROP DEAD FRED outta my system!!! It's just so nice! Go watch it. I don't care if Ee Ning refuses... it's her loss... Muahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahaha! (Beat that Denise)
Speaking of which, for all you blind batsies out there, my cbox is on the side bar... it's in the first set of links... So look here >>> (maybe you should scroll up first)...
And a big THANK YOU to all who reviewed my 3 poems (and 2 short stories) for the Lit Up competition! I finally mustered up the courage to send it, and no, I'm not planning on winning... It's just my perfectionist self needs it to be totally polished before I submit it... And the biggest thank you of all to my fellow ldian- SAM! Thanks for sticking with me and giving such wonderfully deatailed comments and for trusting me enough to show me your works!
Alright, this is one of the longest posts this year(maybe the longest)...

Sunday, June 28, 2009


OMG... I finished watching a show called Drop Dead Fred... it's amazing!
I love it so much!
It's one of my fav movies of all time(not as gd as HSM though!)...
Drop Dead Fred is cool! I want a friend like him!

Tomorrow is the first day of term 3... :((
I'm not ready!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009


TRIBUTE TO MJ... Jackson 5 rocked, esp you! No one can ever replace ur music.
R.I.P Daddy's Little Cannibal... Your fics were awesome.

bought 3 books today... Including... THE BOOK OF USELESS INFORMATION!!! Yayerz!
It's so awesome!!! It's actually not that useless... I love ok?
So I still haven't studied for Physics(which is bad) but I finished all my hw(except for Translation)... so I guess... that means I'll probably die on the Physics test next week and the Math test the week aft that... but c'mon! You know the first 2 weeks of school don't count rite?
But seriously... I WANT THAT EXTRA WEEK OF HOLS! I mean, hello? H1N1? It's spreading reali fast and stuff. If we go back to school, chances are that many ppl will fall sick and they have to close the school for like another month(:D), so what's the point? Just give us that extra week!!! I mean week v.s month... which one?

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just because

I thank SARAH for the RC ingredients! There! Happy?!!?
Oh, so now I'm totally freaking out, coz I slacked the whole holiday off!!! My gosh! I feel bad and I haven't finished all of my hw yet... :((
I'm still procrastinating... and I dun understand a word of Physics... Why does the world hate me?!!?
So yess... My blog and cbox is dying... Yes...
I realised I lack content nowadays... so...
I would show you the poems but then I would be kinda publishing it, and it means that I can't submit them for comp, so yeah...
Ooohoooh! My BFFs met up wit me on Mon!!! We went to Gloria's house and just chilled... I got tanner!!! :)) We got chided by this auntie(She: This bridge is for little children to enjoy, not made for destruction. Please stop jumping on it. ... Don't apologise to me! Apologise to the children if you spoil it.) Bleh. Shannon and NZ were doin a very educational display abt kiddie bridges and slippers! EDUCATIONAL! I got a book(Recipe for Disaster) and this whatchamacallit sign wit my preeeetty name on it and other small stuff that also mean a lot to me.
RCppl: I STILL NEED BEEF, PASTA, TOMATO, CREAM, ICE CREAM AND CHOCOLATE!!! Spare me some! Pleease? Or I'll come aft you!