Saturday, June 27, 2009


TRIBUTE TO MJ... Jackson 5 rocked, esp you! No one can ever replace ur music.
R.I.P Daddy's Little Cannibal... Your fics were awesome.

bought 3 books today... Including... THE BOOK OF USELESS INFORMATION!!! Yayerz!
It's so awesome!!! It's actually not that useless... I love ok?
So I still haven't studied for Physics(which is bad) but I finished all my hw(except for Translation)... so I guess... that means I'll probably die on the Physics test next week and the Math test the week aft that... but c'mon! You know the first 2 weeks of school don't count rite?
But seriously... I WANT THAT EXTRA WEEK OF HOLS! I mean, hello? H1N1? It's spreading reali fast and stuff. If we go back to school, chances are that many ppl will fall sick and they have to close the school for like another month(:D), so what's the point? Just give us that extra week!!! I mean week v.s month... which one?

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