Sunday, March 29, 2009


*attemptin to stop procrastinatin and write a letter to mortal*
Oh hellooooooooo there! What a pleasant surprise! Hmm? What that? Am I busy? Not at all!
*waits for lameness to wear off*
Ok, so Edward was way retarded yesterday... u noe he's like sooper-obese rite? So yesterday, he shamelessly wore this ugly singlet(yes, singlet) which showed-off his ham-like hands and stomach(Fang Qin observed that his tummy bounces when he walks)... And he was irritatin us to hell by repeatedly 'cussin' ("OH SHOOTS! OH SHOOTS!" x399) GRRR... I think he might just be actin... but then again, who will be retarded enuf to want to willingly be teased?
We did basic water colour... WHICH WAS SPAZTASTICAL!!!!! OMGosh! I was totally on fire! I rock wit water colour! And I'm usually bad at paintin... so... bonus points!
Anyways... Vivo was kinda boring coz I only had $100+ in my wallet and have to save... just got $12 frm my Gpa... um... ok... I bought a new book(which is half finished by the way) and a notebook and an art pen... yup... talk abt savin...
And major noob Ee Ning will not help me download music! I WANT HOEDOWN THROWDOWN AND S CLUB!!!!!!! 7:(does this look like a pouty face? Tilt ur head to the right...)
I realised that I haven't even started on my D&T hw... so gonna die... its graded! OMGosh! And I'm goin out soon... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I want more time to finish my hw! ... Wait.. that sounded totally nerdish... um... forget I typed anythin...

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