Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Slackish slug

Slack day...
So boring...
No hw...
Fats juz told me there was HCL hw..

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stairway to confusion

OK, I was readin this Twilight fic called 'Questions' and there was this question: Do stairs go up or down?
I dun think anybody has thought about this so I'll let this settle at the bottom of ur mind first.
Do stairs go up or down?
I dun think there's a right answer coz even Edward (Cullen) doesn't noe the ans, or so accordin to the fic, but if it were me, my ans would be:
Stairs go up and down, dependin on the person walkin it. If u're headed to level below u then the stairs are goin down. If u're headed to the level above u, then the stairs are goin up. But that is not the point. The stairs will only lead u to ur destination. It doesn't determine where u r headed. The stairs do not have any control over u, therefore the question is not 'do stairs go up or down' but 'r u goin up the stairs or down'.
There was supposed to be a meanin to it, but some point in time, I forgot...
The other questions:
What happens if you put this side up face down while popping microwave popcorn?
I dunno
Do they have girl’s bathrooms in gay bars?
I'm assumin- yes.
How do they get the air in bubble wrap?
It think the seal the bubbles first then heat it so the air in it expands. I'm smarticle!
What would happen if everyone flushed their toilet at the same time?
The whole building explodes.
What do mermaids eat?
What about unicorns?
They are real... rarely do ppl see them, but when they do, they're so mesmerized by them they forget to take a pic. This doesn't apply to me only, other ppl also-ahem. Nothin.
Are there female leprechauns?
Do pigs pull ham strings?
Sry, ask Ee Ning.(;D)
Why is the fear of long words Hippopotomontrosesquippedaliophobia? (FYI this is an actual word)
... I dunno coz I dun apply, in fact, is there a word that means 'love of long words'?
What do you get when you mix a bulldog with a shitsu?
A puppy.
Can you put a hobo on house arrest?
I'd like to think yes. If hobos(grammar?) get house arrest then the gov. will give them a home to arrest them in. YAY HOBOS!
Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?
He ate his beard coz he didn't have a shaver.
How come Superman can stop bullets with his chest but always ducks whensomeone throws a gun at him?
Coz the gun was aimed at his head.
Where in the nursery rhyme does it say humpty dumpty is an egg?
He is not an egg... he's an egg-head... Get it right!
If a tree fell on a mime in the forest would he make a noise and would anyone care?
No, he would rather die than betray his art.

P.S Try ans. the ques. for urself!


*attemptin to stop procrastinatin and write a letter to mortal*
Oh hellooooooooo there! What a pleasant surprise! Hmm? What that? Am I busy? Not at all!
*waits for lameness to wear off*
Ok, so Edward was way retarded yesterday... u noe he's like sooper-obese rite? So yesterday, he shamelessly wore this ugly singlet(yes, singlet) which showed-off his ham-like hands and stomach(Fang Qin observed that his tummy bounces when he walks)... And he was irritatin us to hell by repeatedly 'cussin' ("OH SHOOTS! OH SHOOTS!" x399) GRRR... I think he might just be actin... but then again, who will be retarded enuf to want to willingly be teased?
We did basic water colour... WHICH WAS SPAZTASTICAL!!!!! OMGosh! I was totally on fire! I rock wit water colour! And I'm usually bad at paintin... so... bonus points!
Anyways... Vivo was kinda boring coz I only had $100+ in my wallet and have to save... just got $12 frm my Gpa... um... ok... I bought a new book(which is half finished by the way) and a notebook and an art pen... yup... talk abt savin...
And major noob Ee Ning will not help me download music! I WANT HOEDOWN THROWDOWN AND S CLUB!!!!!!! 7:(does this look like a pouty face? Tilt ur head to the right...)
I realised that I haven't even started on my D&T hw... so gonna die... its graded! OMGosh! And I'm goin out soon... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I want more time to finish my hw! ... Wait.. that sounded totally nerdish... um... forget I typed anythin...

Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm so deep today!

I updated my blog... so you hv nothin on me... NOTHING!

OK, I'm goin to VIVOcity aft art class... so I might not post anymore for 2day, but here's a vocab word for you thats big and means so much and is a great motion for debating:


WARNING: Pls do not be offended by the followin paragraphs.

Of course change is unavoidable, but it makes a diff if when you change for the worse instead of changin for the better. Now, the big issue between frens is changes made between the end of P6 and Sec1... two of my BFFs(no names mentioned... find out urself) are kinda upset wit each other coz of CHANGE. One is prepared for movin on while the other is still holdin on to memories... Is it so bad to move on? Is it so bad to NOT move on? Moving on doesn't mean forgettin, it just means welcomin the future, but if u try hard enuf, u can put ur memories into ur future... If u wanna keep in contact wit ur old BFFs, all it takes is a phone call or a SMS. But this war-ish thing is gettin too far and I wanna play a part in endin it.


Friday, March 27, 2009

Ooooh! Cliffy!

Pop It,
Lock It,
then Hip-Hop it
Put your hawk in The Sky,
Move Side To Side
Jump To The Left,
Stick It, And Glide
Zig- Zag Cross The Floor,
Shuffle in Diagonal
lWhen The Drum Hits,
Hands On Yo Hips
One Foot In,
180 Twist
Then a Zig- Zag,
Step and Slide,
Lean In Left,
Clap 3 Times
Shake It Out, Head To Toe
Throw It All Together, Thats How We Role

Yes, that is what I've been obsessin over this week- THE HOEDOWN THROWDOWN.
And shockin news- Hannah Montana the Movie opens in the US on me bdae... and CATS the Musical opens in S'pore on me bdae 2... muz show support!
Hmmm... yes... my bdae...
What do I want... hmmmmmm.......
I WANT IT ALL!(sry... had a HSM3 moment)
Ok... I want-

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ee Ning is so turd-ish

I'm tellin ya- Ee Ning went up to this car and was abt to open the car door and realise that wasn't her mum's car... me and Gen laughed like help and imagined wat would hv happened if she didn't realise...
Only ****** dunno their car plate no.s

I'm such a giver!

I'm goin 4 recess...
4 posts toady... I'm such a giver...

Why am I so bad?!!?

Hi again...
Just updated my blog, but more stuff to come soon- I'm renovatin!
And its gonna be my bday soon(cough10coughaprilcoughcough)!
Like one day b4 coz its a public holiday(Sim Wee day)

I'm so bad

I'm currently in D and T and I'm illegally surfin the web... again...
I'm so bored...
Oh and we got our PPR 2day... I guess mine was good, but... WHY IS MY REPORT CARD STAINED WITH B4 and A2?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!? OMGosh! I hate life... I could've gotten straight A1s!!!!!!!
I was told that I did my mindmap wrong... *sigh*
I'll update my blog soon...
~Bad girl Sim

Monday, March 23, 2009

March holidays was spent "wisely"

And to Yueh Pin whos bday is today!
Movin on... DON'T KILL ME!!!!!!! I'm sorry I havent been bloggin... busy busy bee u noe? My mum and the hackin teachers are makin my life miserable... :( I want out!
And theres so much to say but so little time...
We went out on MAR 20(NZ bday) to Cineleisure and I was freaked out coz Denise told me there were many juvenile delinquints(u heard me!) there who carried knives and stuff and I was so scared. I did not want to die. So we(me, De, Angie and Shan) watched Hotel for Dogs(awesome, btw)and I was tryin not to cry. We went to the arcade to play and I was losin at everythin... Then we went PastaMania to eat(their baked rice is the bomb!)and then Glor came! In her sch uniform but still... then NZ came and we went to take neoprints! YAY! I looked so unglam, but then, who didn't?(Except NZ coz shes the bday princess). I went home early coz of my mum and I skiped the retarded PE project meetin(SORRY FATS AND GEN). I was pissed at my mum for bein pissed at me abt it and she wouldnt stop tlkin abt it!
Anyways, what else did I do in the too-short MAR HOLS... Oh, I finished two books- THE TRUTH ABT FOREVER(MACYxWES YAYz!) and MY SISTER'S KEEPER which was a total tear jerker. I was weepin silently at the back of the car aft I finished MY SIS KEEPER. I'm currently readin Slumdog Millionaire, rushin like hell for Sam and Gen(is it?)...
And btw, SAM, CHEALSEA AND GIOGI ARE THE BEST! They totally understand me and are true LDbfs!
HW, you say? Well... I did rush at the last min and managed to finished everythin but... u noe... I didn't even revise for my Chem test this Fri(I'm so bad) and.. OME- theres a HCL test 2moro! DIE! Okies, bb my lovelies! Remember to spam/tag/crap your heart out on my tagboard(I moved the link up to the very top, but somehow I cant access it, so... just comment, k?)
P.S I'VE GOT THE HSM3 AND TWILIGHT DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009


I haven't reali been posting...
Pls dun hate me!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Science LJ

Science Learnin Journey today.
Will get scolded by Twitchy Eyes 2moro becoz the class was not well behaved.
I will update soon.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.
I still haven't done my hw...
Oh well!
I'll cram 2moro!


Sry I haven't been postin... busy wit my life!
Um... yea!
Weeeelll... YEP!
I finished my key press duties for this week... It was FUN! A few bumps on the way... but still fun!