Sunday, February 1, 2009

Polls results!

Results of the poll- As u can see, More votes for bein ME! So u'll see no change! HAHAHA! Then Ee Ning voted lots of times for me to b a nerd... but that will so not happen! I'm struggling to cope wit math! What kind of nerd is bad at math? 3rd place goes to bein weird. YAY! Weird is good! It shows that u're an individual who dares to stand up to the "normal" ppl and rebel against the opression we call: popularity. Right on! Then is love myself too much. Denise would b my role model. HAHA. No offence. Then a tie between bein mysterious and bein aggressive. I personally enjoy bein mysterious coz lots of ppl dun understand wat I'm sayin. Oh yea. B sensitive and emo had two votes. But seriously ppl: I can't b emo. I just hv too much postive energy in me. Last place goes to b a tom-boy and be not me. I guess ppl didn't vote to be not me coz the description is kinda vague. Not bein me is to do everythin I would do, but opposite. Which means I wouldn't like HSM and TWILIGHT anymore. HAHA Ee Ning had no idea!!!
O, wait I gtg...
I'm bck! Just got red packet frm my mum's fren(late much?). Lets see... how much! Uh, stupid sticky sticker! ... OMG!!! $120?!!? WTH?!!?
I'm soooooo gonna donate $100 to orphanage/ hospital this year! YAY ME!
Ooops! I gtg like 4 real!
Lunch! Yummy!
BB peeps!



StraightedgeKissx3 said...

ehs...I oso voted many times for u to be a near many times :X
U'll make a nerdy nerd. No offense=D

Anonymous said...

this is UNFAIR! you didn't say you wouldn't like twilight and HSM anymore, and you wouldn't talk to yourself.. and... and..