Sunday, February 22, 2009

ACT, SING, DRAW, WRITE, I can do it all

I noe I haven't reali been updatin...
Too much assignments to be done(in fact I'm supposed to finish 2 now, but eh, wat the heck)!
So, I've come up with a brilliant solution... This may come as a shock to u(in fact, I'm still in shock)... I'm gonna blog shorter now, and if I have time, u will be treated to a looooooooooooooong monologue of my life.(If the post is one colour, then I'm rushin, if it's a multitude of colours, then u noe I'm procrastinatin on my work) Happy? So I will update more! If I'm on the com, I'll be sure to blog! Then it'll work out! Fats and Sarah won't complain, people won't walk up to me randomly and tell me I haven't updated my blog... YAAY... but why do I feel upset? *sigh*
Aaaaaanywaaaaaaaays... OMG. I BOUGHT THE HSM3 DVD!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I watched it yesterday... most of u probably noe that I cried from the middle till the end... well... I didn't do exactly that yesterday... I started cryin at the end... where they graduate... fine, I cried when TROY drove his old truck to find GABRIELLA and danced with her at the 'prom'... What? It was super sweet! I love HSM3... In my opinion, HSM3 is the best out of all the HSMs. But, it's so sad(which is partly why I cried) becoz it's the last movie wit all my fav. WILDCATS... *sniff sniff* WHY?!!? I feel that from 2006 till now, HSM has changed my life so drastically. I grew with HSM and I loved it more and more as the sequels came out... I love HSM sooooooo much! It's not a kiddish movie! Well... maybe it is... kinda... But it's not about the target audience! It's about the plot and the characters... What ppl dun realise/ appreciate is that HSM is an inspirational movie series and it will change your life... Becoz most "act cool" kids will rather hit their head against the wall and jump off the 99th storey window than be caught watchin/ likin HSM... Boo for u!'
Oh, and in LD, my team- SCREAM GIRLS!!! wrote a poem that ws soooooooper looooooooong! Yeah! Sarah drew a got lot, we got clouds it's good, no? THANKS SARAH! WE LOVE U!(she's our leader) Other than that, we wrote short poems about colours... any colours. This here is mine:
Blue is a cloudless sky
above a never ending ocean
with waves of sadness
fused with tsunamis of cool
the prettiest eyes ever
My favourite colour
Nice huh?
What? U wanna hear the clouds one? Fine... wait... I dun have the full one... I haven't copied frm VA and Sarah yet... so u wanna see mine? *silence* OK!
Every cloud has a silver lining
Every cloud has wings
It's where the angels play
It's where the wind sings

Clouds are like a whisper
So light yet far away
If you follow your cloud
You will never stray
So... poetic!
And Ms Prava is so cool! If u scroll down, u will see on the sidebars, under quotes, is my favourite Ms Prava quote. Here's the story behind it:
So Ms Prava briefed us on writin some poem for the Public Service Awards... wadeva! FYI, I didn't join. We had to write about a worker(in the library, CC, police post...) that was nice or serve you well. So Heidi(S4 senior) asked Ms Prava: What if u've never met a nice worker? So Ms Prava went all sassy and said: In this world, there's something called white lies. It's known as CRAPPING WITH STYLE!!!!!!!!!! OMG! Comin frm a teacher! She's so cool!When I grow up, I wanna be just like her! Make sassy remarks all the time and insult ppl and still be loved!
And I betcha wonderin about retarded Edward... he didn't do much this week... he just mumbled to himself: "I wish I were a statue..." and he declared that he changed his name to Leonardo and congratulated himself for makin the class laugh... FREAK! He thought he could make the class laugh again by changing his name again to James Bond. Nobody actually laughed coz it was gettin old. Last week, this Shawn guy(I dunno whether that is his actual name) insulted him and his fone and he stood up and pushed Shawn guy ot of his seat. Shawn guy was pissed off and pushed him back, toppling his makeshift table... I was half scared(coz Edward might throw things around and it might hit my pretty head) and half happy(coz class was not so boring anymore)...
Oops, I need to finish up my assignments!
BB my lovelies!

P.S I bought $30 worth of stationery yesterday.

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