Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CME will give me nightmares and a lot of side-trackin to first LD session

Now, back to my blog...
Should b doin research for science assignment and/ or geog/ history assignment...
Felt bored...
'Swhy i'm bloggin...
... yea...
OMG! 3 PPL IN CLASS R TOTALLY... GRRRRR! Irritatin much? I won't mention names...
O and 2day in CME(Civics moral education), our crazed form teacher showed us a video... I'll hv nightmares... I mean, I'm not mean, but seriously, it's kinda creepy. A 20 month old kid got burnt in a car accident(or mayb not so accidental for the person hu started it... JERK!) and 80% of him was burnt. He lost his hands and toes and one ear(I saw the remainder... ew) and basically, he accepted the fact that he was different and moved on. I applaud you, Mr. Joel(was that his name?). Although it kinda scared me(I can never b a doctor), I still got the gist of the story and learnt a valueable lesson- we should all appreciate what we hv and who we are, becoz even when his head looked like a skull(not a normal head, it's just skin over skull), he still thanked God for what he has, and I think I should not b such a perfectionist anymore...
Oh! And I almost 4got, FIRST DAY OF LD!
Ok, ok, ok, ok... just chill! I'll spill!
B4 I went for LD, I visited the choir in the Chopin(not pronounced as chopin! It's sho- phan)... I felt like home... *sigh* I feel like I've left the big SN choir family... and *gasp* does this mean I'm not musical anymore? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
So me and YY were up in MPR2 and we were chattin until we saw all the newbies... our jaws were on the floor. 19 NEWBIES?!!? WHAT?!!? How come so many? It made me feel insignificant.
The Sec 1s had to go down to the DRAMA studio, and we were basically yellin(chattin) at each other until Mr. I-own-the-world-in-a-black-shirt walked in. Two words: Adrian Wong.
I knew him frm last year's Jubilate rehearsals... Ouch. Fierce.
Better not get on his 'professional drama teacher' sode. YY was nudgin me, tellin me to get the newbies to greet the teachers. I did. "Um ppl, stand." They did. "Greet the teachers." They did. Aaaawkwaaaaaaaard.
We played games mostly. Got sabo-ed a lot. VA, Hillary and Trisha(sp?) got onto my list and only the last 2 got off it by the end of the day.
There was a girl... 4got her name, but I'll nickname her chillgirl. OK, so chillgirl was sooooooooo chill! I bet I could never b like her in a million years... HAHA!
Ok, I gtg... got LD tomorrow!
I'll talk about sterotypin CCA groups 2moro... remind me, k!
~An Actor


Anonymous said...

chillgirl. hahahahahahahahaha. :D

crazed form teacher, wth?! haha. pan lao shi is kind of scary. :D

Anonymous said...

is one of those 3 ppl That Edward guy?

Anonymous said...

THANKS! for your awesome giant card! and for getting your class to make the stack of cards for me! ahhh i'm really touched. figuratively! THANKS!
oh! her name's tricia goh :)